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Evgeny Pidko

Prof.dr. Evgeny Pidko Full Professor +31 (0)15 27 81938 ISE/ChemE/TNW/TU Delft Building 58, E2.020 Van der Maasweg 9 2629 HZ Delft The Netherlands Management Assistant Els Arkesteijn +31 1527 81516 linkedin twitter Inorganic Chemical Systems: from Molecular Insights to Practical Technology The ISE research program aims at resolving the mechanistic picture behind chemical processes in complex environments. It rests on a solid computational and theoretical chemistry foundation aiming at constructing a resolved molecular-level description of chemical reaction networks and identifying key parameters for their control and optimization. The key ingredient of this strategy is the transition to “operando” modeling in computational chemistry and catalysis and its integration with the experimental workflow. The grand challenge is to arrive at a general-purpose theory-guided catalyst development strategy to address key scientific challenges of the modern catalysis and materials sciences related to the needs of the society to establish a greener and more sustainable chemical industry. Research group Academic background Evgeny Pidko studied chemistry at the Higher Chemical College of the Russian Academy of Science, Moscow (Russia) and obtained his PhD in computational chemistry and catalysis in 2008 with prof. dr. Rutger van Santen at Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands), where in 2011-2017, he was an Assistant Professor of Catalysis for Sustainability. He joined the Chemical Engineering department of Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) as an associate professor in 2017, where in 2020 he became a full professor and chair of Inorganic Systems Engineering. He is a recipient of NWO-VENI (2010) and ERC Consolidator (2016) grants. He is a member of the advisory boards of ChemCatChem and Catal. Sci. Technol. journals, and an editorial board member of Kin. Catal. and Mend. Commun. journals. In his research, he successfully combines experiments and theory to understand molecular mechanisms underlying the behavior of various chemical systems ranging from heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis to inorganic functional materials and use these fundamental insights to guide the development of new, more sustainable and efficient chemical technologies. +31 (0)15 27 81938 ISE/ChemE/TNW/TU Delft Building 58, E2.020 Van der Maasweg 9 2629 HZ Delft The Netherlands Management Assistant Els Arkesteijn +31 1527 81516 linkedin twitter Keywords Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis Computational Chemistry Reaction Mechanisms Google Scholar Publications Research EPiCs-Group DeLiCAT Educational Activities Heterogeneous Catalysis for Chemical Engineers - MSc CE (CH3101) Inorganic Materials - MSc CE (CH3542) Ancillary Activities (Board)member committee/foundation/association/steering committee or sounding board – Nationaal Platform Plastics Recycling (NPPR) Consultancy/research/other 2021-05-01 – 2023-05-01 (Board)member committee/foundation/association/steering committee or sounding board – Beroepenveldcommissie, Hogeschool Rotterdam Education 2021-05-01 – 2023-05-01 (Board)member committee/foundation/association/steering committee or sounding board – Member of the advisory committee “Fundamentals and Methods of Chemistry” to NWO ENW-table Chemistry Other services 2020-05-06 – 2022-05-06 (Board)member committee/foundation/association/steering committee or sounding board – NWO Committee fort he Scientific Use of Supercomputers Other services 2020-05-06 – 2022-05-06 Editor/Columnist/Journalist/Publicist – Editorial board member to review Journal of Chemistry Other services 2020-05-06 – 2022-05-06 Member or chair of Supervisory Board/Advisory Board – Advisory board member for Catalysis Science & Technology journal (Royal Chemical Society) Other services 2020-05-06 – 2022-05-06 Member or chair of Supervisory Board/Advisory Board – Advisory board member for ChemCatChem journal (Wiley VCH) Other services 2020-05-06 – 2022-05-06

Stephen J. Picken

Prof.dr. Stephen J. Picken Full Professor +31 (0)15 27 86946 Chair Polymer Materials Advanced Soft Matter, ASM Building 58, D2.380 Van der Maasweg 9 2629 HZ Delft The Netherlands Management Assistant Veby Agus +31 (0)15 27 82682 V.A.Agus@TUDel linkedin Stephen Picken is professor of polymer materials at TU Delft. He started his career studying experimental and theoretical physics at Groningen University. After obtaining his drs. degree, in 1985, he worked at Akzo (Nobel) corporate research Arnhem while pursuing his PhD from Utrecht University (1990, cum-laude, promotores Prof.dr. H.N.W. Lekkerkerker, Dr.Ir. M.G. Northolt). He is a specialist in physical structure-property relationships in polymeric and liquid crystalline materials, in particular related to mechanical, optical, and functional properties (ultra-high performance fibres, optical displays elements, ionic polymer electrolytes, self-healing polymer nano-composites). His recent focus is on bio-based polymer materials sourced from waste treatment processes: the Kaumera® glycoprotein from industrial and municipal wastewater and the aliphatic biopolyester PHBV obtained from food & agricultural waste, and wastewater treatment processes. Research group Academic background Kandidaats exam Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, February 1981 Drs. (= MSc.) RU Groningen, Solid State & Theoretical Physics (Gemengde Natuurkunde), March 1985, supervised by Prof. dr. W.H. de Jeu, Dr. L.P.G. Dalmolen, Prof.dr. H.G. Berendsen, Prof.dr. W.F. Van Gunsteren. PhD (Cum Laude): “Orientational Order in Aramid Solutions”, Utrecht, October 1990 promotores: Prof.dr. H.N.W. Lekkerkerker (Utrecht) & M.G. Northolt (Akzo Nobel). +31 (0)15 27 86946 Chair Polymer Materials Advanced Soft Matter, ASM Building 58, D2.380 Van der Maasweg 9 2629 HZ Delft The Netherlands Management Assistant Veby Agus +31 (0)15 27 82682 V.A.Agus@TUDel linkedin Keywords Liquid Crystals Liquid Crystal Polymers Polymer Nanocomposites Research Google Scholar Educational Activities MST – Leiden-Delft: Energie, Recycling & Veiligheid, bachelor 2nd year course, with prof.dr. J.J.C. Geerlings, prof. G.L.L.M.E. Reniers, drs. W.J. Blokzijl. Polymer Science – Materials Science Master (at faculty ME) Conceptual Product Design – scientific coach. Lecturer: RPK-B polymer physics, on Liquid Crystalline Polymers. RPK-C polymer properties, on Introduction Polymer Physical Properties.

Electives TiSD 2010-2011

This is the list of the electives that were valid during the academic year 2010-2011. Cluster A Design, analysis and tools A/EI-00 Environmental Issues (2 ECTS) AE3W02TU Introduction to Wind Energy (3 ECTS) AE4T39 Sustainable Mobility and Vehicle Design (3 ECTS) AE4W10 Wind Turbine Design (2 ECTS) OE5662 Offshore Wind Farm Design (1 ECTS) AES1470 Geothermics (2 ECTS) AR0084 Sustainable Design, Time Based (TIDO) (10 ECTS) AR0102 Research & Design, workshop (3 ECTS) *) AR0112 Sun, Wind, Water Calculations (2 ECTS) AR0190 Sustainable urban development / Stedelijke Duurzaamheid (2 ECTS) AR0531 Smart & BioClimatic Design (6 ECTS) AR0891 Smart Architecture (7 ECTS) *) *) Voor de incidentele workshop variant geldt: Afhankelijk van het onderwerp wordt bepaald in welke categorie de punten vallen. AR0532 Smart & Bioclimatic Design Theory (3 ECTS) AR1U130 Sustainable Urban Engineering of Territory (4 ECTS) CT1310 Hydrologie (4 ECTS) CT3420 Sanitairy Engineering (4 ECTS) CT4100 Materials and ecological engineering (4 ECTS) CT4450 Integrated Water Management (4 ECTS) CT5304 Waterpower Engineering (3 ECTS) CT3360 Subsurface Management (4 ECTS) CT5420 Public Hygiene and Epidemiology (3 ECTS) CT5460 Ecology in Water Management (3 ECTS) CT5531 Waste Water Treatment 2 (4 ECTS) CT5560 Civil Engineering in Developing Countries (4 ECTS) CT5720 Environmental Impact Assessment (3 ECTS) EPA1130 Impact assessment and project appraisal (3 ECTS) ET4149 Solar Cells (4 ECTS) ID5355 Environment and Design in Business (3 ECTS) ID5561 Product-Service Systems (3 ECTS) IE3301 Green Engineering (3 ECTS) IE3310 Design Methodologies and Innovation Tools (1.5 ECTS) IE3320TU Introduction to Renewable Energy Systems (3 ECTS) IE3330 Sustainability in the Built Environment (3 ECTS) BE3141TU Environmental Biotechnology (3 ECTS) ME1400 Sustainability in Transportation Engineering (3 ECTS) AP3141 D Environmental Physics (6 ECTS) WB3510 Energy and Sustainability (2 ECTS) WB4438-05 Technology and Sustainability (3 ECTS) WB5431-05 Life Cycle Engineering (3 ECTS) WM0802TU Project Safety Science (3 ECTS) WM0803TU Project Safety Science (4 ECTS) WM0804TU Project Safety Science (6 ECTS) WM0805TU Project Safety Science (7 ECTS) WM0806TU Project Safety Science (9 ECTS) WM0921TU Colloquium Technology in Sustainable Development II (1 ECTS) SPM9506 Fuel Cells (3 ECTS) SPM4110 Designing Multi-actor Systems (2 ECTS) SPM4354 Design of systems for integrated water (9 ECTS) SPM9401 Design and control of transport systems (6 ECTS) SPM9750 Environmental Sustainability in the Built Environment (4 ECTS) Cluster B Organisation and society AE4W09 Wind Turbine Design (3 ECTS) AR2U010 Social Developments (1,5 ECTS TiDO) AR0083/AR0085 Sustainable Development Programme (TIDO) (3 ECTS) AR0891 Smart Architecture (7 ECTS) *) *) Voor de incidentele workshop variant geldt: Afhankelijk van het onderwerp wordt bepaald in welke categorie de punten vallen. AR0084 Sustainable Design, Time Based (TIDO) (2 ECTS) OE5662 Offshore Wind Farm Design (1 ECTS) CT5720 Environmental Impact Assessment (4 ECTS) EPA1321 Continuous Systems Modeling (6 ECTS) EPA1422 Inter-organizational decision making (6 ECTS) EPA1431 Cross-cultural Management (6 ECTS) EPA2240 Technology dynamics (4 ECTS) ID4050 Internationalisation (3 ECTS) ID4125 Life Cycle Engineering and Design (1.5 ECTS) IE3310 Design Methodologies and Innovation Tools (1.5 ECTS) WM0346TU Milieufilosofie (3 ECTS) WM0615TU Milieu economie (4 ECTS) WM0801TU Introduction to Safety Science (3 ECTS) WM0903TU Technologie en mondiale ontwikkeling (4 ECTS) WM0904TU Special topics in sustainable technology development, Technology assessment or global development (6 ECTS) WM0909TU Technology Assessment: Technology, Society, Sustainability (3 ECTS) WM0916TA Special Topics Geotechnology and Sustainable Development (2 ECTS) WM0921TU Colloquium Technology in Sustainable Development II (2 ECTS) WM0930SET System Innovation and Strategic Niche Management (3 ECTS) SPM4110 Designing Multi-actor Systems (1 ECTS) SPM4354 Design of systems for integrated water management (9 ECTS)

Electives TiSD 2011-2012

This is the list of the electives that were valid during the academic year 2011-2012. Cluster A - Design, analysis and tools A/EI-00 Environmental Issues (2 ECTS) AE3W02TU Introduction to Wind Energy (3 ECTS) AE4T40 Kite, Smart Kites, Control and Energy Production (3 ECTS) AE4W09 Wind Turbine Design (3 ECTS) AE4W10 Wind Turbine Design (2 ECTS) AE4W20 Windpower (3 ECTS) AES1470 Geothermics (2 ECTS) AP3141 D Environmental Physics (6 ECTS) AR0072 Solar Decathlon / Architectural Design Studio (12 ECTS) AR0084 Sustainable Design, Time Based (TIDO) (10 ECTS) AR0102 Research & Design, workshop (3 ECTS) *) AR0190 Sustainable urban development / Stedelijke Duurzaamheid (2 ECTS) AR0531 Smart & BioClimatic Design (6 ECTS) AR0532 Smart & Bioclimatic Design Theory ( 3 ECTS) AR0891 Smart Architecture (7 ECTS) *) *) Depending on the subject of the workshop the credits will be assigned to a category. AR1U130 Sustainable Urban Engineering of Territory (4 ECTS) AR2AE035-D4 Building Design & Engineering / Climate Design (3 ECTS) AR2AE045-D2 Building Design & engineering Seminars / Energy-Neutral Design (2 ECTS) AR2A015 Delft Lectures on Architectural Sustainablility (3 ECTS) AR3B320 Green Building Innovation (5 ECTS) CT3360 Subsurface Management (4 ECTS) CT3420 Sanitary Engineering (4 ECTS) CIE4100 Materials and ecological engineering (4 ECTS) CIE4450 Integrated Water Management (4 ECTS) CIE5304 Waterpower Engineering (3 ECTS) CIE5420 Public Hygiene and Epidemiology (3 ECTS) CIE5460 Ecology in Water Management (3 ECTS) CT5531 Waste Water Treatment 2 (4 ECTS) CIE5560 Civil Engineering in Developing Countries (4 ECTS) CIE5720 Environmental Impact Assessment (3 ECTS) ET4149 Solar Cells (4 ECTS) ID4175 Advanced Embodiment Design (2 ECTS) ID5356 Sustainable Design Strategies for Product (3 ECTS) ID5561 Product-Service Systems (3 ECTS) ID5600SET Smart Energy Products (4 ECTS) IE4210 Design of Sustainable Technological Systems (6 ECTS) IO3835 Sustainable Mobility and Vehicle Design (3 ECTS) ME1400 Sustainability in Transportation Engineering (3 ECTS) OE5662 Offshore Wind Farm Design (1 ECTS) SPM4330IE Renewable Energy Systems (6 ECTS) SPM4340IE Urban Environment and Infrastructures (6 ECTS) SPM4830IE Introduction to Renewable Energy Systems (3 ECTS) SPM4840IE Sustainability in the Built Environment (3 ECTS) SPM9401 Design and control of transport systems (6 ECTS) SPM9448/9445 Methods for risk analysis and management (5 ECTS) SPM9447 Design of safety and security systems (6 ECTS) SPM9506 Fuel Cells (3 ECTS) SPM9750 Environmental Sustainability in the Built Environment (4 ECTS) WB4438 Technology and Sustainability (3 ECTS) WB5431-05 Life Cycle Engineering (3 ECTS) WM0804TU Project Safety Science (6 ECTS) Cluster B - Organisation and society AR0083/AR0085 Sustainable Development Programme (TIDO) (3 ECTS) AR0084 Sustainable Design, Time Based (TIDO) (2 ECTS) AR0891 Smart Architecture (7 ECTS) *) *) Depending on the subject of the workshop the credits will be assigned to a category. CIE5720 Environmental Impact Assessment (4 ECTS) EPA1132 Technology Development and Impact Assessment (5 ECTS) EPA1322 Continuous Systems Modeling (5 ECTS) EPA142 3 Decision making in networks (3 ECTS) EPA2240 Technology dynamics (4 ECTS) ID4050 Internationalisation (3 ECTS) ID4185 Strategic & Sustainable Design (3 ECTS) ID4125 Life Cycle Engineering and Design (3 ECTS) MOT1411 Technology Dynamics (2 ECTS) OE5662 Offshore Wind Farm Design (1 ECTS) SPM4110 Designing Multi-actor Systems (1 ECTS) SPM4810IE Social Systems / Policy and Management (6 ECTS) SPM4820IE Sustainable Innovation and Social Change (ECTS) WM0353TU Climate Ethics (3 ECTS) WM0615TU Milieu economie (4 ECTS) WM0801TU Introduction to Safety Science (3 ECTS) WM0903TU Technology and Global Development (4 ECTS) WM0909TU Technology Assessment: Technology, Society, Sustainability (3 ECTS) WM0906TA Special Topics in Geosciences and Sustainable Development (3 ECTS) WM0930SET System Innovation and Strategic Niche Management (3 ECTS)

Chris Kleijn Chris Kleijn Full Professor and Director of Education +31 (0)15 27 82835 Building 58, F2.350 Van der Maasweg 9 2629 HZ Delft The Netherlands Management Assistant Sandra Paffen +31 (0)15 27 83896 linkedin Chris Kleijn has been assistant (1991), associate (1996) and full professor (since 2001) at Delft University of Technology. His research interests are in experimental and computational heat and mass transfer (particularly in materials processing: thin film deposition, steel melting and welding) and multiphase microfluidics. In recent years his main academic activities have shifted towards leadership in education, being Director of Studies for the bachelor Applied Physics, the Director of Education of the faculty of Applied Sciences and a Comenius senior fellow on education of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. Research group Academic background Chris Kleijn received his MSc (1986) in Applied Physics and PhD (1991) in Applied Sciences from Delft University of Technology, Netherlands. His PhD thesis and the first part of his scientific career were devoted to transport phenomena and chemistry in Chemical Vapour Deposition processes for thin film deposition. During this period he was visiting scientist at MIT and visiting professor at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Later his research changed gears in the direction of flow, heat and mass transfer in high Prandtl number fluids (steel processing), PPE, rarefied gases, and multiphase microfluidics. He was the (co)author of >200 internationally reviewed scientific publications and several book(chapter)s. Since 2019 he serves on the Management Team of the Faculty of Applied Sciences as the Director of Education. +31 (0)15 27 82835 Building 58, F2.350 Van der Maasweg 9 2629 HZ Delft The Netherlands Management Assistant Sandra Paffen +31 (0)15 27 83896 linkedin Keywords Transport Phenomena Fluid Dynamics Computational Modelling Researcher ID Google Scholar Orcid ID Teaching Activities Current teaching activities: Thermodynamics (BSc Applied Physics); Transport Phenomena (BSc Applied Physics); Design Engineering for Physicists (BSc Applied Physics); Continuum Physics (MSc Applied Physics). Past teaching activities: Environmental Physics (MSc Applied Physics); Physics of Sustainable Energy (BSc Applied Physics); Transport Phenomena (BSc Chemical Engineering and BSc Applied Earth Sciences); Thermodynamics (national programme for the training of prospective high school teachers); computational fluid dynamics (post graduate course). Ancillary Activities 2019 - now: Member of Management Team of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology, as Director of Education 2014 - 2019: Director of Studies, Bachelor Applied Physics, Delft University of Technology 2012 - 2014: Member of the daily board of the Chemical Engineering Department, Delft University of Technology 2012 - now: Head of Transport Phenomena Group, Department of Chemical Engineering,Delft University of Technology 2011 - 2014: Chairman of the Exam Committee of the BSc Applied Physics, Delft University of Technology 2007 - 2011: Member of the Program Committee of the 4th (2007), 5th (2008), 6th (2009), 7th (2010) and 8th (2011) Workshops on Simulation of Multiphysics Multiscale Systems in conjunction with the International Conferences on Computational Science 2009 – 2017: Member of the board of the JM Burgers Centre national graduate school for fluid mechanics 2006 – now: Member of the board of the Delft Centre for Computational Science and Engineering 2004 - 2014: Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the journal ‘Chemical Vapor Deposition’ 2001: Co-organiser of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Chemical Physics of Thin Film Deposition processes for Micro- and Nano-Technologies, (Kaunas, Lithuania) 1998 - now: Elected member of the ASME-PVP Fluid-Structure-Interaction committee 1998 - 2004: Co-organiser and proceedings editor of five consecutive ASME-PVP International Symposiums on Computational Technologies for Fluid/Thermal/Chemical Systems with Industrial Applications 1997 - 2014: Elected member of the EuroCVD International Advisory Board 1992 - now: Faculty member the Netherlands National Graduate School for Process Technology 1991 - now: Faculty member of the Netherlands National Graduate School for Fluid Dynamics

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New LDE trainee in D&I office

Keehan Akbari has started since the beginning of September as a new LDE trainee in the Diversity and Inclusion office. What motivated him to work for the D&I office, what does he expect to achieve during this traineeship? Read the short interview below! What motivated you to pursue your LDE traineeship in Diversity and Inclusion office of the TU Delft? I completed both bachelor's and master's degrees in Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology at Leiden University. Within these studies, my main area of interest was in themes of inclusion and diversity. After being hired as a trainee for the LDE traineeship, and discovering that one of the possible assignments belonged to the Diversity and Inclusion office, my choice was quickly made. I saw this as an excellent opportunity to put the theories I learned during my studies into practice. What specific skills or experiences do you bring to the D&I office that will help promote inclusivity on campus? I am someone who likes to connect rather than polarize, taking into account the importance of different perspectives and stakeholders. I believe that this is how one can achieve the most in fostering diversity and inclusion. You need to get multiple parties on board to get the best results. What are your main goals as you begin your role here, and how do you hope to make an impact? An important goal for me this year is to get students more involved in diversity and inclusion at the university. One way I will try to accomplish this is by contributing to the creation of D&I student teams. By establishing a D&I student team for faculties, it will be possible to deal with diversity- and inclusion-related issues that apply and relate to the specific department. How do you plan to engage with different (student) communities within the university? Since I am new to TU Delft, the first thing I need to do is expand my network here. Therefore, I am currently busy exploring the university and getting to know various stakeholders. Moreover, I intend to be in close contact with various student and study organizations to explore together how to strengthen cooperation on diversity and inclusion. Welcome to the team Keehan and we wish you lots of success with your traineeship!

Researchers from TU Delft and Cambridge University collaborate on innovative methods to combat Climate Change

For over a year and a half, researchers from TU Delft and the Cambridge University Centre for Climate Repair have worked together on groundbreaking techniques to increase the reflectivity of clouds in the fight against global warming. During a two-day meeting, the teams are discussing their progress. Researchers at Cambridge are focusing on the technical development of a system that can spray seawater, releasing tiny salt crystals into the atmosphere to brighten the clouds. The team from TU Delft, led by Prof. Dr. Ir. Herman Russchenberg, scientific director of the TU Delft Climate Action Program and professor of Atmospheric Remote Sensing, is studying the physical effects of this technique. Prof. Russchenberg emphasizes the importance of this research: "We have now taken the first steps towards developing emergency measures against climate change. If it proves necessary, we must be prepared to implement these techniques. Ideally, we wouldn't need to use them, but it's important to investigate how they work now." Prof. Dr. Ir. Stefan Aarninkhof, dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, expresses pride in the team as the first results of this unique collaboration are becoming visible. If the researchers in Delft and Cambridge can demonstrate the potential of the concept, the first small-scale experiments will responsibly begin within a year. This research has been made possible thanks to the long-term support from the Refreeze the Arctic Foundation, founded by family of TU Delft alumnus Marc Salzer Levi . Such generous contributions enable innovative and high-impact research that addresses urgent global challenges like climate change. Large donations like these enable the pursuit of innovative, high-impact research that may not otherwise be feasible, demonstrating how our collective effort and investment in science can lead to real, transformative solutions for global challenges like climate change. Climate-Action Programme

How system safety can make Machine Learning systems safer in the public sector

Machine Learning (ML), a form of AI where patterns are discovered in large amounts of data, can be very useful. It is increasingly used, for example, in chatbot Chat GPT, facial recognition, or speech software. However, there are also concerns about the use of ML systems in the public sector. How do you prevent the system from, for example, discriminating or making large-scale mistakes with negative effects on citizens? Scientists at TU Delft, including Jeroen Delfos, investigated how lessons from system safety can contribute to making ML systems safer in the public sector. “Policymakers are busy devising measures to counter the negative effects of ML. Our research shows that they can rely much more on existing concepts and theories that have already proven their value in other sectors,” says Jeroen Delfos. Jeroen Delfos Learning from other sectors In their research, the scientists used concepts from system safety and systems theory to describe the challenges of using ML systems in the public sector. Delfos: “Concepts and tools from the system safety literature are already widely used to support safety in sectors such as aviation, for example by analysing accidents with system safety methods. However, this is not yet common practice in the field of AI and ML. By applying a system-theoretical perspective, we view safety not only as a result of how the technology works, but as the result of a complex set of technical, social, and organisational factors.” The researchers interviewed professionals from the public sector to see which factors are recognized and which are still underexposed. Bias There is room for improvement to make ML systems in the public sector safer. For example, bias in data is still often seen as a technical problem, while the origin of that bias may lie far outside the technical system. Delfos: “Consider, for instance, the registration of crime. In neighbourhoods where the police patrol more frequently, logically, more crime is recorded, which leads to these areas being overrepresented in crime statistics. An ML system trained to discover patterns in these statistics will replicate or even reinforce this bias. However, the problem lies in the method of recording, not in the ML system itself.” Reducing risks According to the researchers, policymakers and civil servants involved in the development of ML systems would do well to incorporate system safety concepts. For example, it is advisable to identify in advance what kinds of accidents one wants to prevent when designing an ML system. Another lesson from system safety, for instance in aviation, is that systems tend to become more risky over time in practice, because safety becomes subordinate to efficiency as long as no accidents occur. “It is therefore important that safety remains a recurring topic in evaluations and that safety requirements are enforced,” says Delfos. Read the research paper .