Programming on the GPU with CUDA
Planned courses Nowadays the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is a mainstream hardware component in high-performance computing. For affordable budgets anyone can harness supercomputer performance. However, realizing efficient parallelism combines three knowledge areas: firstly, on the architecture and compute capabilities of the GPUs; then, on special constructs for programming a GPU-equipped computer; finally, on the special algorithms for performing logical and mathematical operations in parallel. What is CUDA? CUDA stands for Compute Unified Device Architecture. It is a software-development tool kit for programming on the GPUs maintained by the mainstream manufacturer Nvidia. CUDA provides language extensions for C, C++, FORTRAN, and Python as well as knowledge-specific libraries. A single source code is then able to instruct the CPU and GPU alike. Also, CUDA-extended codes keep pace closely with the rapid developments in the underlying technology. Goals and prerequisites To guide you in this development niche, the Delft Institute for Computational Science and Engineering (DCSE) offers a CUDA course every quarter. We will explain basic principles and advanced topics on GPU programming with CUDA. You will apply these notions in our labroom with hands-on examples. After this course you will be able to get simple CUDA programs running on a GPU-equipped computer. As prerequisite, a rudimentary understanding of programming languages like C++ or Java is ideal; that of Fortran or Python will be helpful too. Some interest in linear algebra and iterative solvers is a little advantage. Programme Day 1 Day 2 HPC variant 09:15 - 09:30 Arrival with coffee and tea 09:30 - 10:30 Parallel computing on GPU’s C. Vuik 10:45 - 11:30 GPU’s design and architecture Ir. C.W.J. Lemmens 11:45 - 12:30 Lab 1: CUDA introduction Ir. C.W.J. Lemmens 12:45 - 13:30 Lunch 13:30 - 14:45 Lab 2: Using CuBlas, CuFFT Ir. C.W.J. Lemmens 15:00 - 17:00 Lab 3: Debugging and Profiling Ir. C.W.J. Lemmens 09:15 - 09:30 Arrival with coffee and tea 09:30 - 10:30 Lab 4: Shared memory, streams, atomics, Ir. C.W.J. Lemmens 10:45 - 12:30 Lab 5: Optimising code: Innerproduct , Ir. C.W.J. Lemmens 12:45 - 13:30 Lunch 13:30 - 14:30 Lab 6: Parallel solvers on GPU's, Dr. Matthias Möller 14:45 - 16:30 Lab 7: Solvers on GPU, Dr. Matthias Möller 16:30 - 17:00 Lab 8: Solvers on GPU (continued) Dr. Matthias Möller Two day course 25 max. participants Teachers: C. Vuik C.W.J. Lemmens M. Möller Costs: €200,- / 1 day €350,- / 2 days TU Delft staff: €50,- / day €100,- / 2 days Free for DCSE members including lunch and course materials Location: Penguinlab, EWI B36.HB.2.130 More information C.W.J. Lemmens +31 15 27 87224 Administrative details Frederieke Brands