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What this project is about? Vehicle manufacturers and the automotive industry are investing huge efforts and resources in realizing the vision of fully automated vehicles. However, the deployment of these vehicles in traffic will be gradual. This will result in a long transition period, in which vehicles with various levels of automation and traditional vehicles co-existing, resulting in mixed traffic. As a consequence, new types of interactions will emerge between vehicles at different levels of automation. Currently we lack understanding and knowledge on the nature of these interactions and their resulting impacts on traffic flow and traffic safety . There is also a lack of knowledge on how these interactions are affected by the surrounding environment and conditions, such as the physical and digital infrastructure, and penetration levels of automated vehicles. This is what we will investigate in this project. What are the main project objectives? This project will have three main objectives: Create knowledge and in-depth understanding of the interactions between human driven vehicles and automated vehicles at different penetration rates, and in different road environments; Develop mathematical models for the interaction behaviours of human driven vehicles and automated vehicles and implement them in a microscopic traffic simulation platform; Assess the implications of different road environment conditions (physical and digital infrastructure), penetration rates of automation in mixed traffic, and connectivity on traffic flow efficiency and safety. What is our approach? In this project we will develop a hybrid approach for creating a mixed traffic environment. We will merge the strengths of empirical data collected from field tests using real automated vehicles, with the strength of interactive driving simulators for the purpose of studying human drivers’ behaviour and the role of human factor, and the power of enhanced simulation platform for evaluating the implications of mixed traffic on traffic flow and safety. Tackling such a complex and multidisciplinary problem requires close collaboration among vehicle manufacturers, road operators and contractors, academia and knowledge institutes. How this will be achieved? The project will be composed of three main work packages: WP-A. Human drivers’ behaviour and modelling in mixed traffic This work package will create knowledge on human behavioural adaptation in mixed traffic, and will develop mathematical models for the lateral and longitudinal behaviour while accounting for the existence or lack of connectivity (V2I and V2V) and different penetration rates of automation. WP-B. Automated vehicles’ modelling & Operational Design Domain (ODD) This work package will identify the hotspots for vehicles at different automation levels and different types of roads using both field tests and simulation, and develop accurate and reliable models and algorithms for hotspots’ features extraction, recognition and prediction algorithms. Solutions (vehicle or/and infrastructure based) for the identified hotspots will be proposed to enlarge the ODD and define the minimal infrastructure design requirements. WP-C. Implications of (connected/ unconnected) automated driving in mixed traffic on the traffic flow efficiency and traffic safety This work package will develop a tool for assessing the implications of mixed traditional and automated vehicles, at different penetration rates, on traffic efficiency and traffic safety by implementing the developed models in WP-B in a simulation platform. Following this, recommendations with respect to the design of roads for mixed traffic, and the digital infrastructure requirements will be proposed. Open menu Home Project info Research Team members Publications Partners Research Facilities News & upcoming events Contact


WP-A Human drivers’ behaviour and modelling in mixed traffic In WP-A we will investigate how the emergence of AVs and connectivity might change the way human drivers behave in traffic. Traffic flow efficiency and safety are the consequences and result of the interactions between vehicles. We lack proper understanding of how these interactions will change when AVs are introduced, and how human drivers adapt their behaviour when interacting with AVs on such demanding road sections. Behavioural adaptation, is an important human factor that will affect the dynamics of mixed traffic. The two main research objectives of WP-A are: RO-A1: To understand human drivers’ behavioural adaptation when interacting with AVs, and to develop a behavioural theory and mathematical models for these interactions; RO-A2: To investigate the implications of CAVs penetration rate on drivers’ behavioural adaptation. WP-B Automated vehicles Operational Design Domain (ODD) In WP-B we will develop algorithms and models which expands AVs Operational Design Domain (ODD). To deal with infrastructure peculiarities and complex traffic interactions safely and efficiently we need to increase AVs capabilities by understanding how to expand the ODD. The interactions in mixed traffic are dependent on AVs’ capabilities and limitations, i.e. the ODD. Among the main determinants of the ODD are two types of interactions: first, the interaction of AVs with the infrastructure; and second, the interactions of AVs with other vehicles. The two main research objectives of WP-B are: RO-B1: To develop a methodology for peculiarities identification on different roads and traffic conditions, and to develop accurate and reliable algorithms for peculiarities features’ extraction, recognition and prediction using data driven approach; RO-B2: To examine and evaluate the implications of different driving strategies and driving styles of AVs on human-drivers’ behaviour of nearby vehicles. WP-C Implications of mixed traffic on traffic efficiency and safety In WP-C we will implement the new developed behavioural models in WP-A and WP-B in existing open source simulation platform and assess the implications of mixed traffic on traffic flow efficiency and safety. Previous studies have already used microscopic simulation tools to assess the effect of the longitudinal control task of automation, i.e. ACC (Adaptive Cruise Control) and cooperative ACC (CACC) systems with V2V communications on traffic flow efficiency and stability, as well as in mixed traffic. However, these studies reached widely varying results because of different assumptions about the behaviour of human drivers and automated systems. While using simulation is a reasonable compromise in this circumstance, there is a high risk of oversimplification because an important component, human behaviour adaptation when interacting with AVs, is not accounted for. Therefore, we will investigate the importance of this assumption and its impact on the simulation results. This is a prerequisite to have a reliable simulation tool for mixed traffic. The two main research objectives of WP-C are: RO-C1: Implementing the new knowledge on humans’ behavioural adaptation when interacting with AVs, and AVs behavioural models in an existing open source simulation platform; RO-C2: Assessing the implications of different scenarios on traffic flow efficiency and safety, and consequently propose recommendations regarding the infrastructure (physical and digital) requirements. Open menu Home Project info Research Team members Publications Partners Research Facilities News & upcoming events Contact


Google Scholar 2020 - present 2010 - 2019 2007 - 2009 Competitive and Cooperative CO2–H2O Adsorption through Humidity Control in a Polyimide Covalent Organic Framework H. Veldhuizen, S. A. Butt, A. van Leuken, B. van der Linden, W. Rook, S. van der Zwaag, M. A. van der Veen* ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2023. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.3c04561 Carbon monoxide separation: Past, present and future X. Ma, J. Albertsma, D. Gabriels, R. Horst, S. Polat, C. Snoeks, F. Kapteijn, H. B. Eral, D. Vermaas, B. Mei, S. de Beer, M. A.van der Veen* Chemical Society Reviews 2023, 52, 3741-3777. DOI: 10.1039/D3CS00147D Confined water cluster formation in water harvesting by metal organic frameworks: CAU-10-H versus CAU-10-CH3 M. A. van der Veen,* S. Canossa, M. Wahiduzzaman, G. Nenert, D. Frohlich, D. Rega, H. Reinsch, L. Shupletsov, K. Markey, D. E. De Vos, M. Bonn, N. Stock, G. Maurin, E. H. G. Backus Advanced Materials 2023, DOI: 10.1002/adma.202210050 Highlighted in Nature Water: Lee, JS.M. Water cluster formation in metal–organic frameworks. Nat. Water 2023, 1, 417. DOI: 10.1038/s44221-023-00088-3 Structure–Property Relationship of Piezoelectric Properties in Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks: A Computational Study S. Mula, L. Donà, B. Civalleri, M.A. van der Veen* ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2022, 14, 45, 50803–50814 ​​​​​​​Impact of Flow-Induced Disturbances During Synthesis on the Photophysical Properties of Naphthalene Diimide Covalent Organic Frameworks H. Veldhuizen, S. de Zwaag, M.A. van der Veen* Microporous Mesoporous Materials 2022, 343, 112122 Molecular-level understanding of highly selective heavy rare earth element uptake by organophosphorus modified MIL-101 (Cr) F. Keshavarz, V. Kavun, M.A. van der Veen, E. Repo, B. Barbiellini Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 440, 135905 How Reproducible Are Surface Areas Calculated from the BET Equation? J. Osterrieth, et al. (round robin in the field, + 50 authors) Advanced Materials 2022, 34 (27), 2270205 Emergence of cooperative rotor dynamics in metal–organic frameworks via tuned steric interactions A. Gonzalez-Nelson, S. Mula, M. Šimėnas, S. Balčiūnas, A.R. Altenhof, C. S. Vojvodin, J. Banys, R.W. Schurko, F.-X. Coudert,* M. A. van der Veen* Selective recovery and separation of Rare Earth Elements by organophosphorus modified MIL-101(Cr) V. Kavun, M.A. van der Veen, E. Repo Overcoming Crystallinity Limitations of Aluminium Metal-Organic Frameworks by Oxalic Acid Modulated Synthesis S. Canossa, A. Gonzalez-Nelson, L. Shupletsov, M. del Carmen Martin, M.A. van der Veen* Chem. Eur. J. 2020, 26, 16, 3564-3570 Preparation and Dielectric Characterization of P(VDF-TrFE) Copolymer Based Composites Containing Metal-Formate Frameworks M. Šimėnas, S. Balciunas, A. Gonzalez-Nelson, M. Kinka, M. Ptak, M.A. van der Veen, M. Maczka, J. Banys J. Phys. Chem. C 2019, 123, 26, 16380–16387. Rotational Dynamics of Linkers in Metal–Organic Frameworks A. Gonzalez-Nelson,* F.-X. Coudert, M.A. van der Veen* Nanomaterials, 2019, 9(3), 330. Morphology and structure of ZIF-8 during crystallisation measured by dynamic angle-resolved second harmonic scattering S. Van Cleuvenbergen,* Z.J. Smith, O. Deschaume, C. Bartik, S. Wachsmann, T. Verbiest, M. A. van der Veen* Nature Communications, 2018, 9, 3418. Regioregularity Increases Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Response of Polythiophenes in Solution S. Deckers*, J. Steverlynck, P. Willot, S. Vandendriessche, G. Koeckelberghs, I. Asselberghs, T. Verbiest, M. van der Veen* J. Phys. Chem. C 2015, 119 (32), 18513–18517. Nonlinear optical enhancement caused by a higher order multipole mode of metallic triangles van der Veen,M.*, Rosolen, G., Verbiest, T., Vanbel, M.K., Maes, B., Kolaric, B.* J. Mater. Chem. C 2015, 3, 1576-1581. Spontaneous Polarization in Bio-organic Materials Studied by Scanning Pyroelectric Microscopy (SPEM) and Second Harmonic Generation Microscopy (SHGM) Putzyes, T.,* Wübbenhorst, M., van der Veen, M. Int. J. Thermophys., 2015, 36, 819-828. Metal–organic frameworks as heterogeneous photocatalysts: advantages and challenges Nasalevich, M.A., van der Veen, M., Kapteijn, F., Gascon, J.* CrystEngComm, 2014, 16(23), 4919-4926. Poly(3-alkylthiophene)s produce unexpectedly large second-order nonlinear optical response Deckers, S., Vandriessche, S., Cornelis, D., Clays, K., Koeckelberghs, G., Asselberghs, I. Verbiest, T., van der Veen, M.* Chemical Communications, 2014, 50 (21), 2741 – 2743. Structures, sorption characteristics and nonlinear optical properties of a new series of highly stable aluminium MOFs Reinsch, H., van der Veen, M.,* Gil, B., Verbiest, T., De Vos, D., Stock N.* Chemistry of Materials, 2013, 25(1), 17-26. Probing microporous materials with second-harmonic generation. van der Veen, M.,* Verbiest, T., De Vos, D. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2013, 166, 102-108. Point group symmetry determination via observables revealed with polarized second-harmonic microscopy. 2. Applications van der Veen, M.,* Vermoortele, F., De Vos, D., Verbiest T. Analytical Chemistry, 2012, 84(15), 6386-6390. Point group symmetry determination via observables revealed with polarized second-harmonic microscopy. 1. Theory van der Veen, M.,* Vermoortele, F., De Vos, D., Verbiest T. Analytical Chemistry, 2012, 84(15), 6378-6385. Host-guest and guest-guest interactions between xylene isomers confined in the MIL-47(V) pore system Ghysels, A., Vandichel, M., Toon Verstraelen, T., van der Veen, M., De Vos, D., Waroquier, M., Van Speybroeck V. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, 2012, 131(7), 1234. All optical determination of microscopic and macroscopic structure of chiral and polar crystals obtained from achiral, apolar molecules Van Cleuvenbergen, S.,* Hennrich, G., Willot, P., Koeckelberghs, G., Clays, K., Verbiest, T., van der Veen, M.* Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012, 116(22), 12219-12225. NH2-MIL-53(Al): a reversible solid state nonlinear optical switch displaying an unprecedented contrast Serra-Crespo, P. (jfa), van der Veen, M. (jfa), Gobechiya, E. (jfa), Houthoofd, K., Filinchuk, Y., Kirschhock, C., Martens, J., Sels, B., De Vos, D., Kapteijn, F., Gascon, J. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134(20), 8314-8317. Mapping of the organization of p-nitroaniline in SAPO-5 by second-harmonic generation microscopy van der Veen, M.,* Van Noyen, J., Sels., B., Jacobs, P., Verbiest, T., De Vos, D. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2010, 12 (36), 10688-10692. Localization of p-nitroaniline chains inside zeolite ZSM-5 with second-harmonic generation microscopy van der Veen, M., Sels, B., De Vos, D., Verbiest, T. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2010, 132(19), 6630-6631. The Use of Second-Harmonic Generation to Study Diffusion through Films under a Liquid Phase van der Veen, M. (jfa),* De Roeck, M. (jfa), Vankelecom, I., De Vos, D., Verbiest, T. ChemPhysChem 2010, 11(4), 870-874. In Situ Orientation-Sensitive Observation of Molecular Adsorption on a Liquid/Zeolite Interface by Second-Harmonic Generation van der Veen, M.,* Valev, V., Verbiest, T., De Vos, D. Langmuir 2009, 25(8), 4256-4261. Metal-organic frameworks as high-potential adsorbents for liquid-phase separations of olefins, alkylnaphthalenes and dichlorobenzenes Alaerts, L., Maes, M., van der Veen, M., Jacobs, P., De Vos, D. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2009, 11(16), 2903-2911. Selective Adsorption and Separation of Xylene Isomers and Ethylbenzene with the Microporous Vanadium(IV) Terephthalate MIL-47 Alaerts, L., Kirschhock, C., Maes, M., van der Veen, M., Finsy, V., Depla, A., Martens, J., Baron, G., Jacobs, P., Denayer, J., De Vos, D.* Angewandte Chemie (International ed.) 2007, 46(23), 4293-4297.

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New LDE trainee in D&I office

Keehan Akbari has started since the beginning of September as a new LDE trainee in the Diversity and Inclusion office. What motivated him to work for the D&I office, what does he expect to achieve during this traineeship? Read the short interview below! What motivated you to pursue your LDE traineeship in Diversity and Inclusion office of the TU Delft? I completed both bachelor's and master's degrees in Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology at Leiden University. Within these studies, my main area of interest was in themes of inclusion and diversity. After being hired as a trainee for the LDE traineeship, and discovering that one of the possible assignments belonged to the Diversity and Inclusion office, my choice was quickly made. I saw this as an excellent opportunity to put the theories I learned during my studies into practice. What specific skills or experiences do you bring to the D&I office that will help promote inclusivity on campus? I am someone who likes to connect rather than polarize, taking into account the importance of different perspectives and stakeholders. I believe that this is how one can achieve the most in fostering diversity and inclusion. You need to get multiple parties on board to get the best results. What are your main goals as you begin your role here, and how do you hope to make an impact? An important goal for me this year is to get students more involved in diversity and inclusion at the university. One way I will try to accomplish this is by contributing to the creation of D&I student teams. By establishing a D&I student team for faculties, it will be possible to deal with diversity- and inclusion-related issues that apply and relate to the specific department. How do you plan to engage with different (student) communities within the university? Since I am new to TU Delft, the first thing I need to do is expand my network here. Therefore, I am currently busy exploring the university and getting to know various stakeholders. Moreover, I intend to be in close contact with various student and study organizations to explore together how to strengthen cooperation on diversity and inclusion. Welcome to the team Keehan and we wish you lots of success with your traineeship!

Researchers from TU Delft and Cambridge University collaborate on innovative methods to combat Climate Change

For over a year and a half, researchers from TU Delft and the Cambridge University Centre for Climate Repair have worked together on groundbreaking techniques to increase the reflectivity of clouds in the fight against global warming. During a two-day meeting, the teams are discussing their progress. Researchers at Cambridge are focusing on the technical development of a system that can spray seawater, releasing tiny salt crystals into the atmosphere to brighten the clouds. The team from TU Delft, led by Prof. Dr. Ir. Herman Russchenberg, scientific director of the TU Delft Climate Action Program and professor of Atmospheric Remote Sensing, is studying the physical effects of this technique. Prof. Russchenberg emphasizes the importance of this research: "We have now taken the first steps towards developing emergency measures against climate change. If it proves necessary, we must be prepared to implement these techniques. Ideally, we wouldn't need to use them, but it's important to investigate how they work now." Prof. Dr. Ir. Stefan Aarninkhof, dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, expresses pride in the team as the first results of this unique collaboration are becoming visible. If the researchers in Delft and Cambridge can demonstrate the potential of the concept, the first small-scale experiments will responsibly begin within a year. This research has been made possible thanks to the long-term support from the Refreeze the Arctic Foundation, founded by family of TU Delft alumnus Marc Salzer Levi . Such generous contributions enable innovative and high-impact research that addresses urgent global challenges like climate change. Large donations like these enable the pursuit of innovative, high-impact research that may not otherwise be feasible, demonstrating how our collective effort and investment in science can lead to real, transformative solutions for global challenges like climate change. Climate-Action Programme

How system safety can make Machine Learning systems safer in the public sector

Machine Learning (ML), a form of AI where patterns are discovered in large amounts of data, can be very useful. It is increasingly used, for example, in chatbot Chat GPT, facial recognition, or speech software. However, there are also concerns about the use of ML systems in the public sector. How do you prevent the system from, for example, discriminating or making large-scale mistakes with negative effects on citizens? Scientists at TU Delft, including Jeroen Delfos, investigated how lessons from system safety can contribute to making ML systems safer in the public sector. “Policymakers are busy devising measures to counter the negative effects of ML. Our research shows that they can rely much more on existing concepts and theories that have already proven their value in other sectors,” says Jeroen Delfos. Jeroen Delfos Learning from other sectors In their research, the scientists used concepts from system safety and systems theory to describe the challenges of using ML systems in the public sector. Delfos: “Concepts and tools from the system safety literature are already widely used to support safety in sectors such as aviation, for example by analysing accidents with system safety methods. However, this is not yet common practice in the field of AI and ML. By applying a system-theoretical perspective, we view safety not only as a result of how the technology works, but as the result of a complex set of technical, social, and organisational factors.” The researchers interviewed professionals from the public sector to see which factors are recognized and which are still underexposed. Bias There is room for improvement to make ML systems in the public sector safer. For example, bias in data is still often seen as a technical problem, while the origin of that bias may lie far outside the technical system. Delfos: “Consider, for instance, the registration of crime. In neighbourhoods where the police patrol more frequently, logically, more crime is recorded, which leads to these areas being overrepresented in crime statistics. An ML system trained to discover patterns in these statistics will replicate or even reinforce this bias. However, the problem lies in the method of recording, not in the ML system itself.” Reducing risks According to the researchers, policymakers and civil servants involved in the development of ML systems would do well to incorporate system safety concepts. For example, it is advisable to identify in advance what kinds of accidents one wants to prevent when designing an ML system. Another lesson from system safety, for instance in aviation, is that systems tend to become more risky over time in practice, because safety becomes subordinate to efficiency as long as no accidents occur. “It is therefore important that safety remains a recurring topic in evaluations and that safety requirements are enforced,” says Delfos. Read the research paper .

Three Students Nominated for the ECHO award

Three TU Delft students have been nominated for the ECHO Award 2024. The ECHO award is awarded to students with a non-western background who are actively engaged in society. Sibel, TJ and Pravesha talk about their background their nomination. The finalists will be selected on September 27th. Sibel Gökbekir How has your background influenced your academic journey? As a woman with Turkish roots, my academic journey has been about more than just pursuing degrees in engineering and law; it’s been about consistently advocating for the diverse needs of women and multicultural groups, ensuring their voices are heard in important decisions. This is why I actively contributed to different board positions at TU Delft, working to promote inclusivity and equality. My background inspired me to explore how engineering, law, and social justice intersect, particularly in empowering marginalised communities. I chose to study energy transitions and human rights to contribute to a fairer, more inclusive World. How have you turned this into contributions to society? I’ve dedicated my academic and personal life to promoting diversity and inclusion. As a youth ambassador for Stop Street Harassment, I aimed to create safer spaces for women and minorities because I believe everyone has the right to feel free and safe in society. Through the Turkish Golden Tulip Foundation, I advocated for vulnerable communities in earthquake relief. Additionally, I founded an initiative for migrant students in Rotterdam-South and I have been committed to improving educational opportunities for secondary school students with a migration background. Next, I gave guest lectures across the Netherlands to educate the younger generation about climate change and equitable energy transitions, emphasising the importance of a fair transition for all communities. What does it mean for you to nominated to the ECHO award? I feel very honoured to have been nominated on behalf of TU Delft. My commitment to community engagement is part of who I am, and therefore the ECHO Award is more than just a recognition; It offers me an opportunity to further expand my contributions to a more inclusive society. As an ECHO Ambassador, I plan to expand my efforts in promoting equality and sustainability, while inspiring others to take action for a more equitable World. TJ Rivera How has your background influenced your academic journey? My background as a Filipino in a Dutch-speaking bachelor’s programme made my academic journey both challenging and enriching. Being gay in a male-dominated field like Architecture, where most role models were heteronormative men, added another layer of difficulty. It was intimidating to not see people like me represented. However, this experience fuelled my belief that systems can and should be challenged, changed, and updated. I aimed to bring a fresh perspective, advocating for greater diversity and inclusivity in the field. How have you turned this into contributions to society? I translated my personal challenges into tangible contributions by advocating for inclusivity within architecture. Together with like-minded individuals, I began exploring the intersection of identity, sexuality, and architecture, and collaborated with my faculty’s diversity team to raise awareness. As I became known for my work with the queer community, I saw an opportunity to create lasting change. I co-revived ARGUS, the once-inactive study association for the Master of Architecture, which now serves as a platform to discuss and address issues of diversity within the field. This initiative continues to foster a more inclusive academic environment. What does it mean for you to be nominated to the Echo award? Being nominated for the ECHO Award is a significant milestone in my journey to expand my mission beyond the confines of my faculty. This national platform provides the opportunity to raise awareness and advocate for social justice on a larger scale. I believe students are key to driving change, and my focus is on amplifying the voices of the queer community, which is often overlooked. The ECHO Award will enable me to form partnerships with organizations and universities, further promoting diversity, inclusivity, and equality. It’s a chance to create broader, tangible change, addressing the needs of those who often go unheard. Pravesha Ramsundersingh How has your background influenced your academic journey? As a woman in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), my background has been a powerful motivator to challenge gender disparities within Computer Science. Experiencing firsthand the underrepresentation of women in this field, I have been driven to not only excel academically but also become an advocate for diversity. Through leadership roles in the Faculty and Central Student Councils, I’ve focused on creating an inclusive environment that supports women and minority students, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to succeed. How have you turned this into contributions to society? I’ve translated my experiences into actionable contributions by actively advocating for DEI at TU Delft. I ensured sexual education and consent training for 3,000 freshmen students, and I led initiatives like the Social Safety Initiatives Conference alongside the Dutch National Coordinator against Racism and Discrimination. In my student governance roles, I pushed for policies that address gender discrimination and social safety concerns, creating a more supportive environment for students of all backgrounds to thrive in both academic and social spaces. What does it mean for you to nominated to the ECHO award? Being nominated for the ECHO Award is an incredible honour that highlights the importance of the work I have done to promote DEI. It inspires me to continue advocating for systemic change in the tech industry and academia. This nomination reaffirms my commitment to driving equity in STEM, ensuring that future generations have more inclusive opportunities. It also motivates me to keep pushing boundaries and empower others to take action for a more just and equal society. The ECHO Award Every year ECHO, Center for Diversity Policy, invites colleges and universities to nominate socially active students who make a difference in the field of Diversity & Inclusion for the ECHO Award 2024. The ECHO Award calls attention to the specific experiences that students with a non-Western background* carry with them and the way they manage to turn these experiences into a constructive contribution to society. Winners are selected by an independent jury and may attend a full-service Summercourse at UCLA in the United States in 2025. Read more: ECHO Award - ECHO (

Boosting Research Skills through Digital Data Workshops

Data Carpentry Workshop for Social Sciences and Humanities at TU Delft. In a Data Carpentry workshop on 30 September and 1 October 2024, researchers will learn best practices and explore tools to make their data reusable and open, while enhancing the efficiency and reproducibility of their research workflows. Organised by colleagues from the Leiden University Libraries' Centre for Digital Scholarship , the TU Delft Library , Erasmus University Rotterdam Data Stewards , and VU Amsterdam data stewards , these workshops are designed for researchers in the social sciences and humanities who are novices in digital skills. Participants will engage with best practices, new tools, and the basics of the programming language R in a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment. The workshops are highly interactive, featuring live coding sessions and exercises. A dedicated group of helpers will be available throughout to assist participants, ensuring a smooth learning experience even when technical challenges arise. This supportive approach aims to minimise the initial frustrations that can come with learning new technologies. The curriculum is openly available and has been created, curated, and maintained by a global community of volunteers under the coordination of The Carpentries , a worldwide non-profit organisation. Authors: Peter Verhaar, Paula Martinez Lavanchy, Kristina Hettne, Daphne Barrow Picture by: Robèrt Kroonen Other news 30 January 2024 Interactive Environments Minor students bring the Library's Collection Wall back to life Several projects being led by or involving IDE researchers have secured kick-starter grants from the Convergence’s Resilient Delta Initiative. 23 February 2023 Call: Would you like to contribute with your XR experiences in education and research? Closing date is Friday the 17th of March. 01 February 2023 Short Scientific work at TU Delft From 1 February 2023, the TU Delft Short Scientific Work Scheme will come into force as part of TU Delft's Open Access policy. 23 February 2023 Call: Would you like to contribute with your XR experiences in education and research? Closing date is Friday the 17th of March. 01 February 2023 Short Scientific work at TU Delft From 1 February 2023, the TU Delft Short Scientific Work Scheme will come into force as part of TU Delft's Open Access policy. 11 May 2023 Increase in Open Access publications by 2022 For the 9th time, the open access monitor was carried out for TU Delft by the Research Support team. The report is based on the current definitions of the national OA monitoring framework. More than in all previous years, the share of open access within TU Delft has grown.