Tessel van Gameren

Name: Tessel van Gameren
Year: 4th year

Why did you choose to study Nanobiology?
I found it tough to decide what to study, as I really liked all the scientific subjects in high school. In Nanobiology you still learn a lot about all the subjects and combine them to do interdisciplinary research. I was fascinated by the new developments in the Nanobiology field and the wide range of opportunities to discover and research how complex living systems work. That’s why I decided to study Nanobiology.

What are your passions?
I am interested in a lot of different areas, but I particularly like mathematics, genetics and programming. In Nanobiology, you can see how all of these topics (and many others) are related to each other. Nanobiology is a very wide field with many applications and research topics, so I love discovering everything that is possible in research. I really like how the study shows the diversity of the field, from electron microscopy to programming how cells move.

What challenges do you face while studying Nanobiology?
It can be challenging sometimes to fit everything I want to do into one day. This includes studying, sports and social events. During my bachelor’s I learned how to combine all of this and when to give each thing my priority. 

What would you like to become when you grow up?
I am currently considering doing a PhD and staying in academia, but I am also aware that Nanobiology is a very wide field with many possibilities, so I am keeping my eyes open for any other opportunities that may arise.

Fun fact / advice about studying:
Join the S.V.N.B. Hooke study association! It is really fun to do social or career-oriented activities with your peers. Nanobiology is a small study, which means you will know almost all of your peers. You will also meet students from other cohorts at Hooke activities, who can help you out with courses and might have study books that you can borrow. Hooke offers many opportunities for students to develop themselves in other ways than going to lectures, like doing a committee, which is very fun as well!