
678 results

Before you start

Research Support aims to help in different ways depending the type of request and time schedule. You can choose one of the following…

Topographical map series of the Netherlands (1940-2000)

Topographical map series of the Netherlands (1940-2000)

The Map Room has a nearly complete collection of topographical maps which cover the whole of the Netherlands. The collection enables…

Thematic maps

Thematic maps

Soil maps Soil map of the Netherlands (1:50.000) Soil maps Soil map of the Netherlands (1:200.000) Geological maps Geological map of the…

Current Dutch Elevation (AHN)

Current Dutch Elevation (AHN)

TUDelft portal and AHN The Current Dutch Elevation ( Actueel Hoogtebestand Nederland , AHN) map is a digital elevation map of the whole of…

Yan Wang

Expertise: Information management, business process reengineering, humanitarian simulation exercise, service management, enterprise…

National XR Day

National XR Day

On July 5th 2023, SURF and TU Delft Library (NewMediaCentre) hosted the National XR Day. Over 200 guests saw the latest developments and…

Call for proposals Open Education Stimulation Fund 2023 now open

Call for proposals Open Education Stimulation Fund 2023 now open

TU Delft recognizes the importance of open education and encourages all TU Delft teaching staff to submit a proposal for open education…

Shalini Kurapati

Faculty: Technology, Policy and Management (TPM) Expertise: Research Data Management, Simulation Gaming, Situation Awareness, Supply Chain…

Data collection

The toolbox should be used in three steps. Step 1 is the data collection step, which will enable you to collect large amounts of data from…

Print on Demand

Print on Demand For TU Delft OPEN Publishing, printing specialist Hollandridderkerk is offering the online print service for all books of…