Shalini Kurapati

Faculty: Technology, Policy and Management (TPM)

Expertise: Research Data Management, Simulation Gaming, Situation Awareness, Supply Chain Management, Logistics and Transportation

Bio: After finishing my bachelor studies in mechanical engineering in India, I came to TPM as an EPA master student 2009. My master thesis project on IP and policy issues for new product development at Volve CE, Sweden motivated my interest in research. I went on to do my PhD and Post-doc on Simulation Gaming and Situation Awareness in Transportation and Logistics domain at the Policy Analysis section at TPM. During my PhD and Post-doc period I had to collect, process and analyse diverse data sets, during which I developed a great deal of interest on data science and recognised the need for support on data management. Therefore I’m very motivated and excited about my role as the TPM data steward since 1 March 2018.

How to find me*: Building 31, A2.270

Social media: Twitter, Linkedin
