Exhibition "From the highest point: land surveys in the time of Mesdag"

31 March to 22 September

Where was Mesdag? Click on the digital map

© Google Maps 'Vanaf het Hoogste Punt: Landmeten in Mesdags tijd'

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Omroep West 28-03-2019 (Dutch)

Measuring the Panorama: Locating Mesdag's position

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A student from TU Delft is conducting a survey in Panorama Mesdag to find out exactly where Hendrik Willem Mesdag stood on the Seinpostduin.

Photograph of a land survey in Terlet, 1889. From the collection of the Land Registry Museum, Arnhem.

Impression of a digital map with the points of the Rijksdriehoeks network. The map shows 8,274 photos of surveys in the period 1880 to 1960.

This repeating circle was in all likelihood used by polymath Cornelis Kraijenhoff (1758–1840) for the first large-scale triangulation of the Netherlands (1802–11). The instrument was made by French instrument maker Etienne Lenoir (1744–1832) according to a design by Jean-Charles de Borda (1733–99). For the metre expedition, a similar instrument was used.

TU Delft Library, Special Collections