
213 results

08 May 2023

How to map the accessibility of urban green spaces

In a city, green spaces for children are invaluable. This is why it’s a good idea to make passage ways between homes and schools as green as possible. Researcher Roos Teeuwen developed a methodology that assesses existing green zones based on accessibility.

04 May 2023

IDE students soaring high with three Crystal Cabin Awards nominations

The finalists of the Crystal Cabin Awards 2023 have been announced and this year, within the University category, IDE student groups have claimed all three nomination spots! Each project focuses on the passenger experience in the air, specifically seating.

03 May 2023

IDE Professor Peter Vink receives Royal Honour

Peter Vink, Professor of Environmental Ergonomics at the Faculty of Industrial Design (IDE) was made an Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau in the municipality of Rijnsburg.

03 May 2023

IDE researchers receive Best Paper Awards at CHI 2023

PhD candidates at TU Delft’s Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering Mireia Yurrita and Kars Alfrink received a Best Paper Award at CHI 2023 in Hamburg.

20 April 2023

Excellence Fund awarded to Healthcare Systems Professor John Clarkson

Het Universiteitsfonds Delft heeft een Excellence Fund toegekend aan professor John P.J. Clarkson om zijn onderzoek in Delft een vliegende start te geven. Deze startersfinanciering zal worden gebruikt om zijn onderzoeksgroep in Delft op te richten, wat zal leiden tot betere patiëntresultaten, meer efficiëntie en effectiviteit van het zorgsysteem en lagere kosten.

20 April 2023

Inaugural Lecture of Professor Nicole van Nes

During her inaugural lecture on 5 April 2023, Professor of Human-Centered Design for Smart Mobility, Nicole van Nes, argued that designers should “be in the driver’s seat” and align technology with human capabilities.

19 April 2023

IDE publication highlights (Week 16 2023)

IDE researchers have been hard at work getting their research published. This week’s highlights include a paper from Assistant Professor Eui Young Kim and Professor Sicco Santema that focuses on the experiences, perceptions, and preferences of airport employees following the emergence of COVID-19.

19 April 2023

IDE in the media (Week 16 2023)

IDE in the media (Week 16 2023)

03 April 2023

Digital payments become safer for the visually impaired

Paying digitally with your bank card is an everyday affair for most of us. But what if you are partially sighted or blind? Then you have to trust that the amount you pay is indeed correct. With the help of research by master student Jackie (Yongqing) Fei, the design of the ING payment app was adapted to overcome this shortcoming.

22 March 2023

IDE Publication Highlights (Week 12 2023)

IDE researchers have been hard at work getting their research published. This week’s highlights include a paper from PhD candidate Roos Teeuwen, assistant professor Achilleas Psyllidis, and professor Alessandro Bozzon that introduces a novel method for measuring greenspace accessibility for children and adolescents.

22 March 2023

Volunteers needed to make children's products safer

Kids are natural explorers. They climb, jump, and touch. But not every object is safe for such interactions, which is what inspired IDE researchers to lead the KidsCAN survey. Find out how you can participate.

22 March 2023

IDE in the media (Week 12 2023)

IDE in the media (Week 12 2023)

22 March 2023

From The Start: The Early Design Bird Gets The Remanufacturing Worm

From The Start: The Early Design Bird Gets The Remanufacturing Worm

The circular economy. Sustainability. Refurbishment. Remanufacturing. Recycling. We hear these buzzwords used all the time when talking about how humanity needs to lessen its impact on the planet. For her PhD research, Nina Boorsma looked into how to get companies to make more sustainable products and found that the process needs to start early.

11 March 2023

IDE starts to beat in the heart of DHPC Quantum Computer

IDE starts to beat in the heart of DHPC Quantum Computer

As of this January the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) has joined the Delft High Performance Computing Centre (DHPC) and the Delft Institute for Computational Science and Engineering. How can this ‘super (computing) power’ be used for design research, to advance visualisations, optimise 3-D printing techniques and solve societal issues and more? What effect could this have on the role of designers? What new areas of research could be addressed? And what implications could this have on ethical issues?

09 March 2023

Design Roadmapping for Trusted AI

To wrap up the first quarter of the 2022/2023 academic year, SPD students presented design roadmaps on Trusted AI for Banking at IBM Amsterdam. They showed that design roadmapping can be a valuable method for Trusted AI development in industry.

09 March 2023

IDE in the media (Week 10 2023)

IDE in the media (Week 10 2023)

02 March 2023

Meat shaming may reduce meat purchases

Meat shaming may reduce meat purchases. Research by Anne-Madeleine Kranzbühler and Rick Schifferstein shows that 'meat shaming' stickers on meat packaging can have an inhibiting effect on meat purchases. Stickers that point to animal suffering, in particular, stir up feelings of shame.

02 March 2023

Circular composites - design is the missing link

Circular composites - design is the missing link

Composite materials have a lot to offer in terms of fine-tuning material properties, optimising functionality, and ensuring a long-life span. Despite those advantages, they still leave a lot to be desired when it comes to reuse and recycling. For his PhD, Jelle Joustra explored strategies for making composite materials that support a circular economy, proposing that design is the missing link.

24 February 2023

Long live the refurbished product

Long live the refurbished product

Products designed for a single life cycle have a huge impact on the environment. In the transition to a circular economy, designing products that go through multiple lives and retain their value could make a big difference. For her PhD, Theresa Wallner explored how designers can make it easier for consumers to choose refurbished products.

23 February 2023

Vici grant of 1,5 million awarded to TU Delft IDE Professor Ruth Mugge

Each year TU Delft faculties offer a small number of scholarships with the aim of attracting the world’s brightest students. From 2023 onwards, IDE’s bursary will be known as the Ena Voûte Design Engineering Excellence Scholarship in honour of the faculty’s former dean and current Pro Vice Rector of International Affairs for TU Delft.

22 February 2023

IDE publication highlights (Week 8 2023)

IDE publication highlights (Week 8 2023)

22 February 2023

IDE in the media (Week 8 2023)

IDE in the media (Week 8 2023)

06 February 2023

From Complexity to Meaningful Interactions

From Complexity to Meaningful Interactions

Smart objects, humans, software. We are all part of the same complex environment. It is up to designers to create meaningful experiences for people within this environment. This was the assignment for the 30 Interactive Environment Minors this year. Discover what they came up with.

06 February 2023

The Library Repository Revamped

The TU Delft Repository is a database full of information. Students and researchers publish their research there and you can browse around for knowledge and inspiration. But is the Repository still up to date? Is it easily searchable and can you add all relevant information? It could be better, according to Ashley Hemerik, master's student at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering. She offers her proposal.

06 February 2023

IDE in the media – week 6

IDE in the media - week 6

02 February 2023

Delft design method maps a route through the confusion for cancer patients

Delft design method maps a route through the confusion for cancer patients

Cancer patients can often find it difficult to maintain a good overview of their situation. This is why Ingeborg Griffioen, a Delft industrial designer, developed the Metro Mapping design method for patients and care providers, to enable them to reach better shared decisions about treatment. Experts in design engineering from TU Delft are now joining forces with medical professionals and researchers from Erasmus MC and the LUMC and the Panton design agency to further develop and apply Griffioen’s method in the Netherlands, Denmark and Spain.

26 January 2023

Ena Voûte Design Engineering Excellence Scholarship (2023)

Each year TU Delft faculties offer a small number of scholarships with the aim of attracting the world’s brightest students. From 2023 onwards, IDE’s bursary will be known as the Ena Voûte Design Engineering Excellence Scholarship in honour of the faculty’s former dean and current Pro Vice Rector of International Affairs for TU Delft.

26 January 2023

IDE in the media – week 4

IDE in the media - week 4

26 January 2023

IDE publication highlights (Week 4 2023)

IDE publication highlights (Week 4 2023)

12 January 2023

IDE in the media – week 2

IDE in the media - week 2

12 January 2023

IDE publication highlights (Week 2 2023)

IDE publication highlights (Week 2 2023)

22 December 2022

IDE in the media – week 51

IDE in the media - week 51

20 December 2022

Coping with value conflicts makes a better designer

Coping with value conflicts makes a better designer

Everyone brings their own values to the table when it comes to collaborative design. For junior designers, this may lead to frustration, conflict and stress when their values are compromised, ignored, or oppose other people’s values. Driven by her personal experience, Lenny van Onselen’s PhD research explored how junior designers can cope more effectively with value-based conflicts in collaborative design practice and she developed tools to support their professional development.

15 December 2022

Opening of TU Delft's state-of-the-art Biodesign Lab

The TU Delft | Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) has opened the doors of its state-of-the-art Biodesign Lab. In a world which needs to reduce its reliance on materials derived from fossil fuels, researchers will explore the design potential of living organisms. The carefully controlled environment of this clean biosafety Level (BSL) 1 Lab offers a space to investigate the unique design potentials of microorganisms, such as algae, bacteria, and fungi.

08 December 2022

IDE researchers launch open-source online emotion typology

IDE researchers launch open-source online emotion typology

IDE researchers have just launched one of the most comprehensive emotion resources in the world. The emotion typology is an open-access online database that provides detailed information on positive and negative emotions.