Knowledge and Intelligence Design (KInD) is a human-centered and multi-disciplinary research group based at Sustainable Design Engineering department of the Industrial Design Engineering faculty, Delft University of Technology.

KInD focuses on the relationship between the science and practice of design, and the digital technology that fuels intelligent products, services, and systems.

See our latest news here.

Design in the Digital Age

Individuals, organisations and society are taking advantage of computing power to crunch data and automate decision-making. This trend is opening up many new possibilities – from social robots to  digital infrastructures for intelligent cities and health-care systems. But it also poses complex questions for designers. Questions around bias, fairness, transparency, and contestability in automated decision making. Questions about the emerging relationship between people and automated devices. The Knowledge and Intelligence Design (KInD) researches these – and many more – questions.

Intelligent tools and methods

KIND’s work leads to new tools and methods for designing, understanding and controlling knowledge- and intelligence-centric product-service systems (PSS). By integrating research in design with research in data scienceInternet of Thingsmachine learning, human-computer interactionspatial analysis, and crowd computing, KInD aims to unlock the potential of digital materials – to ​​design and engineer intelligent PSSs that are robust, meaningful, intelligible, accessible, and inclusive. 

News and Updates

  • [September 1, 2024] | The DCD Lab join team up with TU/e to build an Open Design Data Infrastructure. Read about ODeDai here.
  • [September 2, 2024] | New article in Cities & Health, "Children's access to urban greenspace: a survey of factors and measures." Read it here.
  • [August 27, 2024] | Ankita Arora graduated, defending her thesis 'Addressing Information Overload in Individuals with Breast Cancer Post-Diagnosis through a Personalised AI-Based Companion'. Read her thesis here.
  • [August 16, 2024] | Mireia Yurrita will be part of a team of organizers of an HCOMP workshop on "Responsible Crowdsourcing for Responsible Generative AI:
    Engaging Crowds in AI Auditing and Evaluation". Read more here.
  • [August 15, 2024] | Jacky Bourgeois co-authored a new chapter on Data for Inquiry and Evidence as part of the Key Enabling Methodologies (KEMs) for mission-driven innovation. Read it here.
  • [July 31, 2024] | Achilleas Psyllidis delivered the keynote lecture at the EIT Urban Mobility summer school, "Remaking the Street".
  • [July 25, 2024] | Nikita Arora graduated, defending her thesis 'A data enabled participatory design approach to address the barriers to the adoption of the mymobility platform' with our partner Zimmer Biomet.
  • [July 9, 2024] | Ashraf Morra graduated, defending his thesis 'Bringing Farmers and Cows Together'. Read his thesis here.
  • [July 8, 2024] | Alejandra Gómez Ortega defended her PhD thesis ‘Sensitive Data Donation: Reframing Intimate Data Practices through Design’. Read Alejandra's thesis here.
  • [July 4, 2024] | Kars Alfrink will be part of a panel at Lawtomation Days 2024 titled "Methods in law and technology research: inter- and cross-disciplinary challenges and opportunities" spearheaded by Kostina Prifti.
  • [July 1, 2024] | Alejandra Gomez Ortega, Jacky Bourgeois and Gerd Kortuem received a Best Paper award at DIS for their paper 'Participation in Data Donation: Co-Creative, Collaborative, and Contributory Engagements with Athletes and their Intimate Data'. Read it here .
  • [July 1, 2024] | New paper at DIS 'Participation in Data Donation: Co-Creative, Collaborative, and Contributory Engagements with Athletes and their Intimate Data'. Read it here.
  • [July 1, 2024] | New paper at [DIS] 'Sensitive Data Donation: A Feminist Reframing of Data Practices for Intimate Research Contexts'. Read it here.
  • [June 29, 2024] | Kars Alfrink and Mireia Yurrita will be part of the team of organizers of a workshop at ACM CSCW 2024 titled "From Stem to Stern: Contestability Along AI Value Chains". Read more here.
  • [June 18, 2024] | The article "Envisioning Contestability Loops: Evaluating the Agonistic Arena as a Generative Metaphor for Public AI" written by Kars Alfrink together with Ianus Keller, Mireia Yurrita, Denis Bulygin, Gerd Kortuem, and Neelke Doorn has now been published online at She Ji. Read here.
  • [June 17, 2024] | Anelia Kurteva's paper titled "Semantic Web and its Role in Facilitating ICT Data Sharing in the Circular Economy: An Ontology Survey" has been accepted. Read here.
  • [June 12, 2024] | Achilleas Psyllidis was elected as a full member of the CUPUM Board, which oversees the world's leading international conference on computational urban planning and management.
  • [June 11, 2024] | New article in Computational Urban Science, "Crowdsourcing the influence of physical features on the likely use of public open spaces." Read it here.
  • [June 7, 2024] | The paper "Developing a city-specific walkability index through a participatory approach", co-authored by Urban Analytics Lab researcher Vasileios Milias, wins the Best Full Paper Award at AGILE 2024. Read the paper here.
  • [May 23, 2024] | Kars Alfrink defended his PhD thesis ‘Contestable Artificial Intelligence: Constructive design research for public artificial intelligence systems that are open and responsive to dispute’. Read Kars' thesis here.
  • [March 29, 2024] | Achilleas Psyllidis was a keynote speaker at the closing event of the "Walkable Athens" project. He delved into how perceived distance to destinations by different population groups, influenced by diverse route characteristics, impacts pedestrian trip generation and walkability indicators.
  • [February 5, 2024] | New article in Landscape and Urban Planning, "How well do NDVI and OpenStreetMap data capture people's visual perceptions of urban greenspace." Read it here.
  • [September 15, 2023] | CTwalk Map—Measuring and evaluating co-accessibility: New tool shows accessibility of public areas for different population groups. Featured here.
  • [June 20, 2023] |  Urban Analytics Lab researchers published and presented three papers at the AGILE 2023 and CUPUM 2023 International Conferences. Read the AGILE paper here and the CUPUM papers here and here.
  • [May 25, 2023] | Vasileios Milias and Roos Teeuwen lead the workshop on “What Factors Impact Access to Public Spaces and for Whom?“, with the support of the American Planning Association. Read here.
  • [May 25, 2023] | Roos Teeuwen and Vasileios Milias present CTwalk Map and how to map walking accessibility of different population groups at the National Program for Sustainable Digital Information Management Demo Day. Read here.
  • [May 15, 2023] | Dr. Achilleas Psyllidis spoke at Stanford University’s “Designing for Future Mobility” symposium on pedestrian accessibility and was part of an IDE delegation to develop research and education partnerships with UC Berkeley, Stanford University, UC Davis, and MIT. Read the blog here.
  • [May 8, 2023] | Roos Teeuwen and Achilleas Psyllidis publish a short news article on measuring greenspace accessibility. Read here.
  • [April 26, 2023] | Dr. Achilleas Psyllidis speaks at MIT’s City Form Lab on unlocking new measurements of pedestrian accessibility and how to factor human experiences into these metrics.
  • [April 26, 2023] | Alejandra Gomez Ortega and Jacky Bourgeois co-organise the CHI '23 SIG on Data as Human-Centred Material. Read here.
  • [April 20, 2023] | Roos Teeuwen and Vasileios Milias exhibit posters of their latest research at ICT Open 2023. Download the posters of Roos and Vasilis.
  • [April 18, 2023] | Dr. Achilleas Psyllidis speaks at the Healthy City Conference in Rotterdam about reframing how we measure access to greenspaces for all. More info.
  • [March 15, 2023] | Vasileios Milias gives an invited talk at TU Delft’s CityAI Lab on computational methods for assessing accessibility.
  • [February 7, 2023] | Wo Meijer published in ETIS ’22: Destructive Feedback: a user created strategy for collecting user feedback in shared systems. Read here.
  • [January 26, 2023] | The paper ” HybridEval: A Human-AI Collaborative Approach for Evaluating Design Ideas at Scale” from our alumni Sepideh Mesbah and colleagues from the WIS Delft group  has been accepted at the 2023 Web Conference.
  • [January 24, 2023] | Five full papers from KInD members have been accepted at the premier HCI conference ACM Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2023.
  • [January 22, 2023] | Two papers from KInD members have been accepted at the IUI 2023 Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces.
  • [January 16, 2023] | New Project: “Our Smart Family Buddy” consortium meeting. Read more here.
  • [January 13, 2023] | Jeroen Schunselaar successfully graduated presenting his MSc thesis. Read the thesis here.
  • [January 12, 2023] | Sinyoung Ann graduated, defending her thesis Towards Designedly Data Donation in Practice. Read here.
  • [January 10, 2023] | Roos Teeuwen, Dr. Achilleas Psyllidis, and Prof. Alessandro Bozzon publish article in Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. Read here.
  • Read more news here.