Hidden Hortus – citizen science project

Biodiversity is declining. As Hortus Botanicus, we already play a major role in preserving biodiversity, but we would like to know how we can contribute even more. That is why the Hortus will conduct extensive inventories of the biodiversity in our garden in 2024. In addition to the annual nesting bird counts by the Vogelwacht (Bird Watch) and other inventories of bats, among other things, this year we want to better map out what grows, blooms and lives in our garden. And you can help with that!

What are we going to take inventory of? In addition to birds, we will also look at wild mammals, moths, insects, spiders, molluscs, mosses, lichens, mushrooms and diatoms. Various experts will help us with this, many of whom are affiliated with Naturalis Biodiversity Centre in Leiden, but other experts, ecologists and enthusiastic hobbyists will also participate. In the coming months we will invite several of these experts to give lectures and conduct inventories with you in the Hortus. The program starts in April with a lecture and tour by ecologist Kees Mostert.

What can you do as a visitor? Well, that's actually very simple. If you think you see an interesting beetle, snail, you name it, in the Hortus, take a photo with your smartphone. You will then upload your observation in the ObsMapp app, which is linked to waarneming.nl, the largest nature platform in the Netherlands and Belgium. You must first install this app on your phone. Then click on the 'Manual' button at the bottom right of the app's home screen for more information.

All photos that are presented are ultimately viewed by an expert and the pictured species identified. And all that data provides more and more information about biodiversity and sometimes produces very surprising new discoveries. So who knows, you might discover a species that has never been seen here before!

The precise date and information about the entire program will soon be on the Hortus website.

21 April - 11:00 Start of project with a lecture and tour by ecologist Kees Mostert
5 May - 14:00 Dr Maarten Christenhusz lecture on rare and endangered plants followed by a fern walk
20 juli - 10:00 Harold Timans guided tour 'The world of lichens' (in Dutch)

Photographs by Kees Mostert