421 results

27 March 2019

Comenius Teaching Fellow granted to team Freek Pols

Comenius Teaching Fellow granted to team Freek Pols

The Comenius Teaching Fellow has been granted to the project of Forrest Bradbury, University College Amsterdam, in which TU Delft is also involved. They will be developing a lab course in which students use sensors in mobile phones and arduinos.

26 March 2019

Silvania Pereira guest teacher at KinderAcademie Delft

Silvania Pereira guest teacher at KinderAcademie Delft

The KinderAcademie is the weekend school in Delft, where children from groups 7 and 8 of the primary school learn about all kinds of different professions. The majority of the children is coming from emigration families or are growing up in a poverty situation. The Kinderacademy aims to inspire the children and help them to broaden their horizons in order to make new choices for their future.

26 March 2019

Publication Stallinga, Rieger et al in 7-year highlights edition of the journal "Methods and Applications in Fluorescence"

For their seven year anniversary the journal "Methods and Applications in Fluorescence" issued a special edition "Highlights" with some of the excellent fluorescence research from the journal. One of the articles is the publication of ImPhys researchers Sjoerd Stallinga and Bernd Rieger et al on on super-resolution microscopy.

06 March 2019

Freek Pols joined ImPhys as teacher/innovator

Freek Pols joined ImPhys as teacher/innovator

Freek Pols started as teacher/innovator of first year physics practical work on 1 March 2019. He will be responsible for all practical work in first year physics and has been given the task to innovate the current curriculum.

04 March 2019

Martijn Nagtegaal joined our group as PhD student

Martijn Nagtegaal joined our group as PhD student

Martijn Nagtegaal started as a PhD student with the Department of Imaging Physics on 1 March 2019. He will work under supervision of Frans Vos on a project funded by Medical Delta.

26 February 2019

Vici grant for Prof. Bernd Rieger

Vici grant for Prof. Bernd Rieger

Prof. Bernd Rieger will receive 1.5 million euros from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). This Vici grant will enable him to develop an innovative line of research in the coming five years. Vici is one of the largest scientific grants for individuals in the Netherlands.

25 February 2019

ZonMw grant for Elizabeth Carroll and Nicolò Ceffa

ZonMw grant for Elizabeth Carroll and Nicolò Ceffa

Nicolò Ceffa (postdoc) and Elizabeth Carroll have been awarded a grant from ZonMw to develop light sheet nanoscopy to detect and track the bioaccumulation of plastic nanoparticles in zebrafish.

25 February 2019

ImPhys co-organizes 2nd Face2Phase conference in Delft

ImPhys co-organizes 2nd Face2Phase conference in Delft

The Face2Phase event is co-organized with the AOIM XII and will take place in Delft on 23-25 October 2019. It addresses imaging with phase information and covers topics such as lensless imaging, aberration retrieval, adaptive and active optics, ptychography, holography, tomography, phase retrieval and applications.

06 February 2019

Ted Young and Ronald Ligteringen release interactive e-book

Ted Young and Ronald Ligteringen release interactive e-book

Emeritus professor Ted Young and Ing. Ronald Ligteringen of the department of Imaging Physics have released an interactive e-book on stochastic signal processing.

01 February 2019

Phablabs photonics hackathon

Phablabs photonics hackathon

From 8 February until 30 March 2019, a photonics hackathon will be organized at the Science Centre every Friday (9h - 12h) and Saturday (12h - 17h). Anyone aged 14-64 who wants to turn ideas into great photonics projects using techniques such as 3D-printing and lasercutting is more than welcome to join. The hackathons are free of charge and participants will get up to €160,- in sponsored materials. Dr. Aurèle Adam of ImPhys is one of the organizers of this challenging and exciting outreach project.


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