Rotor Design


The Rotor Design track provides the students with the technical knowledge necessary to work in the research and development (R&D) of Wind Turbine Rotors.

Profile of the Rotor Design graduate:

  • Mastery of rotor aerodynamics, aeroelasticity and blade technology from a theoretical as well as experimental perspective and of relevant engineering methodologies and applications
  • Awareness of current developments in the field of wind turbine rotors design and of the related issues
  • Ability to apply and judge advanced analysis and design techniques to the chosen elective profile (Aerodynamics, Structures & Composites)

Aerodynamics graduate:

  • Sound knowledge of fundamental aerodynamics, rotor aerodynamics, unsteady flows, active and passive flow control, applied wind turbine aerodynamics and aeroacoustics, wind farm wakes, as well as of the state-of-the-art experimental and numerical techniques
  • Mastery of analysis and design of aerodynamic systems

Structures and Composites graduate:

  • Knowledge of fundamental structure mechanics and mechanics of metallic, composite, and hybrid material systems
  • Ability to develop analytical and numerical tools from fast to high-fidelity solutions
  • Experience in applying and improving multidisciplinary design, analysis and optimization
  • Mastery of analysis and design knowledge of the manufacturability of advanced composite products, with special attention to the aspects relevant to wind turbines (e.g. fatigue and sustainable production)
  • Competences in the field of conceptual design, manufacturing techniques and selection of advanced composite materials


The Rotor Design student is required to accomplish an average of 30 ECTS per semester/university by taking mandatory as well as elective courses adding up to at least 120 ECTS for the complete master (DTU does not allow for obtaining more than 124.5 ECTS for the full master programme). Students need to get the approval of their complete course list by the track coordinators of both universities awarding the degree. An overview of the courses offered within the Rotor Design track is provided below.

Note: the listed electives courses are the only courses that are pre-approved by the track coordinators. Should students want to follow elective courses that are not already included in this list, they should request their track coordinators to review and approve the courses before enrolling for such courses.

Specialisation Aerodynamics

30 ECTS courses @DTU

Click here to find information about the courses at DTU.




41320 Advanced Fluid Mechanics 5
46115 Turbulence modeling 5
46300 Wind Turbine Technology and Aerodynamics 10




02610    Optimization and Data Fitting 5
34840 Fundamentals of Acoustics and Noise Control 5
41129  Turbulent Flows 5
41316    Advanced CFD 5
46200  Planning and Development of Wind Farms (January) 5
46500   Probabilistic Methods in Wind Energy 5

30 ECTS courses, incl. possible professional training @TU Delft

The 2nd semester at the TU Delft is divided in two quarters. Click here to find information about the courses at the TU Delft.



AE4ASM506 Fundamentals of Aeroelasticity (via Collegerama) 3
AE4W21-14 Wind Turbine Aeroelasticity 2
AE4180 Flow Measurement Techniques 3
AE4135 Rotor / wake Aerodynamics 4
AE4W13 Site Conditions for Wind Turbine Design 3
AE4W09 Wind Turbine Design 5
WM0324LR Ethics and Engineering for AE 3


AE4010* Research Methodologies (TU Delft) 2
AE4117 Fluid-Structure Interaction 4
AE4W31 Floating Offshore Wind Energy 3
AE5055 Professional Training 6

*This course can be done in either the 2nd or 3rd semester but requires physical presence on campus for exam

due to change in assessment method


15 ECTS courses + start 45 ECTS Thesis



46320   Loads, Aerodynamics and Control of Wind Turbines 10
  Master Thesis (starting November 1st) 45


02610    Optimization and Data Fitting 5
34840 Fundamentals of Acoustics and Noise Control 5
41129  Turbulent Flows 5
41316    Advanced CFD 5
46200  Planning and Development of Wind Farms (January) 5
46205   Feasibility studies of energy projects 5
46500   Probabilistic Methods in Wind Energy 5
AE4010 Research Methodologies (TU Delft)* 2
*In case you did not do this course in the 2nd semester

45 ECTS thesis (free mobility)**


Master thesis must be finished on 31 July

Compulsory DTU


  Master Thesis 45

Compulsory TU Delft

AE5912 Master Thesis 45

*The master thesis is supervised by the two degree awarding universities

Specialisation Structures and Composites

30 ECTS courses @DTU

Click here to find information about the courses at DTU.




46420 Composite Materials and Fibres 5
46300 Wind Turbine Technology and Aerodynamics 10
41525 Finite Element Methods  10




02610   Optimization and data fitting 5
34840 Fundamentals of Acoustics and Noise Control 5
41526   Fracture Mechanics 5
46200 Planning and Development of Wind Farms (January) 5

30 ECTS courses, incl. possible professional training @TU Delft

The 2nd semester at the TU Delft is divided in two quarters. Click here to find information about the courses at the TU Delft.



AE4ASM506 Fundamentals of Aeroelasticity (via Collegerama) 3
AE4W21-14 Wind Turbine Aeroelasticity 2
AE4ASM505 Non-linear modeling (using FEM) 3
AE4ASM109 Design & Analysis of Composite Structures I 5
AE4ASM105 Trinity Exercise 4
AE4W09 Wind Turbine Design 5
WM0324LR Ethics and Engineering for AE 3


AE4010 Research Methodologies* 2
AE4ASM510 Design & Analysis of Composite Structures II 3
AE4ASM511 Stability & Analysis of Structures II 3
AE5055 Professional Training 6
AE4117 Fluid-Structure Interaction 4

*This course can be done in either the 2nd or 3rd semester


15 ECTS courses + start 45 ECTS Thesis



46320   Loads, Aerodynamics and Control of Wind Turbines 10
  Master Thesis (starting November 1st) 45


02610   Optimization and data fitting 5
34840 Fundamentals of Acoustics and Noise Control 5
41526   Fracture Mechanics 5
46205   Feasibility studies of energy projects 5
AE4010 Research Methodologies (TU Delft)* 2
*In case you did not do this course in the 2nd semester

45 ECTS thesis (free mobility)**


Master thesis must be finished on 31 July

Compulsory DTU


  Master Thesis 45

Compulsory TU Delft

AE5912 Master Thesis 45

*The master thesis is supervised by the two degree awarding universities