Tuition & Scholarships

Tuition fees of the programme are calculated per academic year and divided into two categories:

Category 1: Category 1 students have a nationality from any EU/EFTA country or Suriname.
Category 2: Category 2 students have a nationality from any other non-EU/EFTA country.

 Tuition fees and participation costs of the programme are as follows:

Category 1 Category 2
€ 2.601,- per year (2025-2026)

€ 21.515,- per year (2024-2025*)

*The tuition fees for academic year 2025-2026 have not yet been published.
More info can be found here.

In addition to the above, students from the Electrical Power Systems track and the Offshore Engineering track are required to pay an additional NOK 700 (approximately EUR 70) per semester spent in NTNU to the student welfare organisation Sit which provides a range of free or inexpensive services to students. Please note that this is a semester service fee and not a tuition fee, but is an obligatory contribution for all students studying at NTNU and no exemptions can be granted.

Erasmus+ Study Grant:

Application Deadline: At least 6 weeks before departure | €270 - €390 per month | Study

The ERASMUS+ Study Programme offers transformative international experiences to EWEM students. Embrace this opportunity, supported by the European Commission, focusing on inclusivity and sustainability, providing substantial financial aid for students studying abroad.

Eligibility and Application Process: Students of the track Rotor Design and Electrical Power Systems can apply at TU Delft for an Erasmus+ Study grant for the first and third semester. This grant is seen as a financial contribution to the travel and subsistence costs. Students should be aware that this grant does not cover all possible costs. 

Application Process and Important Dates: All concerned students will be informed about the application procedure and its conditions in due course through the EWEM-coordinator. This will be after you have been accepted into the programme and before the beginning of the 1st and the 3rd semester. However, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all documents are handed in before the deadline (6 weeks before the study starts).
Students of the track Wind Farms and Atmospheric Physics students should contact EWEM to check with the University of Oldenburg if they can apply for a Erasmus+ grant.

For detailed information please check the Erasmus+ Study website

ERASMUS+ Traineeship Grant

Application Deadline: At least 6 weeks before departure | €390 - €510 per month | Internship

The ERASMUS+ Traineeship Grant opens doors for EWEM students embarking on transformative international experiences. As part of the EWEM programme, this grant supports traineeships, internships, or research projects at companies abroad. Many students opt for this opportunity during their fourth semester, incorporating it into their thesis projects.

Eligibility and Application Process: The Erasmus+ Traineeship grant is available for EWEM students undertaking traineeships, internships, or research projects abroad. This financial assistance, ranging from €390 to €510 per month, contributes significantly to travel and subsistence costs. Further details will be provided in due time during your program.

Application Process and Important Dates: Upon acceptance into the programme, the EWEM coordinator will guide you through the application procedure, ensuring you are well-informed. Applications must be submitted a significant amount of time before the traineeship starts.

Explore the world, enhance your skills, and foster a global perspective with the ERASMUS+ Traineeship Grant. Embrace this opportunity to enrich your education and prepare for an exciting future.

For detailed information please check the Erasmus+ Traineeship website.

External scholarships

We understand that you are looking for financial support during your study. Scholarships for specific home countries and situations are offered by external organisations. However, EWEM does not have any role in the application process and procedure.

Some external scholarships are mentioned on the following websites: