Nutritious Meal Prep & Exchange

14 January 2024 11:00 till 14:00 - By: Communication | Add to my calendar

Are you finding yourself strapped for time to cook healthy meals for your week? Have you heard of meal prep but struggle to do It efficiently and in a balanced manner? Could you even do this on a budget? Join the Meal Prep & Exchange workshop by Mensa Mensa Netherlands!

Students and young professionals have busy weekday schedules. The stress of daily lives often leads to not paying a lot of attention to the nutritional aspects in their meals, with lack of time often cited as the primary reason.  

Through this workshop-cum-meal exchange event, participants will receive valuable meal prep hacks to save time. Additionally, they will gain insights into consuming nutritious food in the correct proportions and within a reasonable budget. The workshop will be moderated and coordinated in collaboration with Mensa Mensa Food. 

An initiative of Public Food, Mensa Mensa provides tips for efficient meal preparation and nutrition. They also conduct regular meal prep cafes for the community, aiming to ensure that everyone can enjoy healthy, nourishing meals within a budget.  


Sunday 14/01 | 11:00 – 14:00 | Freetown Kitchen & Foyer | Students €3,- Employees €5,- Others €7,-