18/12 Green Xmas

18 December 2021 13:30 till 17:00 - By: Communication | Add to my calendar

Do you also want to create a more sustainable Christmas? X, Foodsharing and GreenTU are organizing a sustainability Christmas event. Swap anything you aren’t using anymore for presents for others, get creative and take the chance to make some cool sustainable gifts, have some drinks and enjoy a lovely no waste lunch by Foodsharing!

The Christmas spirit is all about doing good, sharing love and giving. But if all the products we consume each year during Christmas in the form of presents and decoration are badly hurting the environment, shouldn’t we do this in another way? 

Come to the sustainability Christmas event of X, Foodsharing and Green TU’s and get inspired on how we can enjoy a real sustainable Christmas! We will enjoy a no-waste lunch from Foodsharing Delft, have a keynote about the sustainable Christmas spirit and create or swap some cool sustainable Christmas gifts for your family and friends, or for yourself of course! 


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Saturday 18/12 | 13:30-17:00 | Freetown Foyer & Theatre Hall | €2,50 (X-subscription holders) /€4,50 (employees) /€5 (others) [In co-op with Green TU and Foodsharing Delft]