Track Water Resources Engineering

Water is essential for drinking, industry, nature, and food production. However, water problems are escalating globally. Overconsumption of water threatens both rural and urban areas. At the same time, floods and droughts are increasing in severity, often following one another. Pollutants like antibiotic residues, PFAS, and pharmaceuticals are emerging in our water, straining water treatment processes and posing serious risks to water quality and public health.

More engineers in the field of Water Resources Engineering are needed to tackle the challenges of urban flood and drought prevention, water treatment, and water management to ensure safe, fresh, water access to all.    

Key features

➨ Study urban and rural water cycles, including rainfall, evaporation, groundwater, surface water, urban drainage, municipal sewage, and water supply.
➨ Develop technologies for designing water systems, accounting for human influences.
➨ Focus on water monitoring, resource management, infrastructure asset management, treatment, and supply.
➨ Assess and implement water-sensitive urban design, efficiency, reuse, and resource recovery.
➨ Prevent and mitigate negative impacts of water engineering, and quantify risk assessment methods.

Track Curriculum

Stepping Stone Module: Water Resources Engineering

This module sets the foundation for the Water Resources Engineering track by exploring how water resources engineers protect society from water-related challenges such as droughts, floods, and pollution, ensuring access to safe water. You will complete real-life cases and projects, and data-driven analysis to address environmental quality, hydrological processes, and system design in urban and natural settings. The module takes place over Q2 and Q3.  


Upon starting Q3, you choose an A-module which matches your interests and learning goals, defining your learning path within the track. The A-module allows you to deepen your expertise and skills within a specific field of water resources engineering. There are three options you can choose from.


In Q4, you choose a B-module. The module links the skills and knowledge from the A-module to specific applications, developing  interventions to real-life problems. Each module includes a workshop on ethical responsibility of engineers. Some include field visits, and/or lab experiments. There are four options you can choose from.

One year we see extreme drought and record temperatures, the next we see rainfall of such intensity that our cities flood…. there is a great need for engineering solutions to help humans adapt to living in these extreme conditions.

Daan Bouman, student

Graduation Projects

After completing the electives and cross-over section of the general programme in Q5, you start working on your master’s thesis. The preparation for the master thesis starts in Q6 with writing your own workplan. There are a multitude of opportunities. Below are just a few highlighted projects of previous students.

Student Experiences

Our students always have a lot of stories to tell about their projects, internships, research and life as a student! They discover, collaborate and create solutions for society. Learn more about their experiences below!