This is what we stand for

Social safety and integrity at TU Delft

Social safety and integrity are closely linked. Acting with integrity is not just about following rules. We can expect each other, even if the rules do not show the way, to do our utmost to act morally right. That means: taking due account of the rights, interests and wishes of everyone affected by choices we make.

Acting with integrity is not always easy. TU Delft's integrity policy therefore focuses not only on clear rules and careful enforcement practice but also on moral learning. And there is plenty of room for improvement. For example, we are working towards an update of the code of conduct, better signposts, further strengthening the position of confidential counsellors and ombudsmen, a new hotline for social safety and integrity, a new investigation protocol and a review of the set-up of the internal complaints committees. 

Together, we are our university. The sum of all big and small choices made in the working and study environment determines the extent to which TU Delft can call itself a university of integrity.

TU Delft's integrity system contains various facilities to get help with integrity issues. For example, you can contact confidential advisers and the ombuds officer and/or a specialised complaints committee such as the Complaints Committee on Undesirable Behaviour (KOG) and the Committee on Scientific Integrity (CWI). Students can (also) contact the Central Complaints Desk.