HR Excellence in Research

The HR Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) encourages research institutions to implement the Charter and Code in their policies. The HR excellence in research logo is awarded to research institutions that have been acknowledged by the European Commission for having made significant progress in implementing the Charter & Code.

Because Delft University of Technology believes an open and transparent European research climate to be important, the university joined the HRS4R project aiming to incorporate the Charter & Code in 2013.

Delft University of Technology endorses the principles of the European Charter for researchers and European Code of Conduct for the recruitment of researchers. We are very pleased to announce that the European Commission awarded Delft University of Technology the Excellence in Research logo (in 2013).

The European Charter and Code for Researchers

To create an open and transparent European research climate, the European Commission has adopted a European Charter for Researchers and a Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. These two documents, addressed to researchers as well as to employers and funders in both the public and private sectors, are key elements in the European Union's policy to make research an attractive career.

  • Click here for more information about The European Charter and Code for Researchers

OTM recruitment guide / OTM-R checklist

Here you will find a guide and a checklist on Open Transparent and Merit (OTM) based Recruitment at TU Delft. Both are part of the Internal Review for the HR Excellence in Research Logo. Moreover the Recruitment guide provides guidance to recruit OTM. The checklist gives a broad overview concerning Delfts’ OTM-R practice and policy and possibilities to improve the policy.

  • Click here for the OTM Recruitment Guide.
  • Click here for the OTM-R Checklist.

HR Excellence in Research procedure

Renewal phase (cycle 2) 

Renewal Internal Assessment 2024 

The documents provide a renewal assessment regarding the actions proposed in the Internal Review Report 2021.  The report contains an overview of progress against the stated actions and comments on areas where progress has not yet been made to the desired level of the Charter and Code. Where relevant, the report proposes next steps under the heading of the original action areas. This action plan is in line with the goals and objectives as described in the TU Delft Strategic Agenda 2024-2030.  

  • Click here for the Renewal Internal Review report 2024 

  • Click here for the GAP analyses 2024 

  • Click here for the Action Plan 2024-2027