Support and resources

Definitions & Terminology

  • Diversity is the representation of different people and acknowledges and encourages individual visual and non-visual differences.
  • Inclusion is the act of welcoming, supporting, respecting, and valuing all individuals and groups.
  • Equity relates to correcting imbalances. Ensuring fair access to opportunities and resources while taking into consideration individual’s barriers or privileges and eliminating systemic barriers and privileges.
  • Social safety is an environment people are treated with respect, nobody feels unsafe and everyone can develop their talents. People can voice their opinions, concerns, dilemmas and complaints without feeling unheard or intimidated.
  • Belongingness is the sense of feeling as an essential or important part of the organization.

D&I calendar

In a diverse community like TU Delft, it is good to be aware of the (holi)days that are of great importance to our students and staff because of their culture, ethnicity, religion, gender identity and sexual orientation. Many of these dates can be found in our Diversity & Inclusion calendar. This calendar can be also useful when planning a meeting or event or for other forms of communication. 

If you have any questions or would like to add a date to the calendar, please contact us by email:  

Resources (Books, Films & Videos)

The resources below are suggested by our experts and community members.

Trainings & advice

The D&I office advises employees and students to develop in three areas to become more diverse and contribute to an inclusive study and work environment. For people in leadership positions or aspiring to a leadership position, it is also important to develop inclusive leadership skills on an ongoing basis.  

We also like to think along with you about customization. So, would you like to train people in specific departments, associations, roles or committee? Then feel free to contact us. We work together with HR advisors on this. 

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