Contacts & Network

D&I Office

The D&I Office is committed to nurturing and promoting a respectful, accessible, diverse and inclusive TU Delft community for all staff, students and guests. Whether you are a student, staff member or guest at TU Delft, you can contact us with general questions or ideas about Diversity & Inclusion via

D&I Coordinator

Fatima Ait Bari MSc

D&I Policy advisor

Marije Severs MSc

D&I Office Manager

Martha de Bruijn

Advisor Outreach Student Diversity

Stavroula Manolaki


Silyn El Ouafrassi


Albaraa Khalil

Faculty Diversity Officers

Faculty diversity officers have been appointed to promote diversity and inclusion within their faculty. Each faculty diversity officer will work together with the D&I Office, and staff and students at their faculty to create and enhance an inclusive and diverse working and learning environment at the faculty.

Architecture and the Built Environment

Ir. Cécile Calis

Applied Science

Sabina Beijne

D&I Board

TU Delft has installed the D&I Board, chaired by the Chief Diversity Officer. The D&I Board consists of the Faculty Diversity Officers and other representatives within TU Delft. The D&I Board will act as an advisory and sounding committee for the Diversity Officer as well as the D&I Office. It will, for instance, assist and provide input for focus areas, strategy and priorities on diverse D&I themes.

Other representatives D&I Board

Albaraa Khalil

Affilitated with Student Council

Prof. dr. ir. Ibo van der Poel

Integrity Officer

Stella van der Meulen

Affiliated with ESA TU Delft

Prof. Zofia Lukszo

Affiliated with DEWIS

Mireille Howard-Snels

Affiliated with DiversAbility