
18 January 2019

Science prizes won by women ‘offer less cash and prestige’ (Source THE)

Science prizes won by women ‘offer less cash and prestige’ (Source THE)

Analysis of awards in biology and biomedical sciences between 1968 and 2017 suggests women increasingly likely to win prizes for ‘service’ over research. Women who win prizes for their scientific endeavours receive less money and prestige than their male counterparts, according to an analysis highlighting the gender gap in scholarly recognition.

16 November 2018

'Good inclusive leadership makes sure that there is a safe environment within a team in which everyone can put forward their ideas and know they will be listened to.'

Team leaders and other immediate supervisors play an important role in facilitating inclusiveness within public organisations. An interview with public administration expert Tanachia Ashikali of Leiden University.

15 November 2018

Aimee van Wynsberghe receives LÓreal UNESCO For Women In Science award

Aimee van Wynsberghe receives LÓreal UNESCO For Women In Science award

Aimee van Wynsberghe has received the Dutch For Women In Science award. The award was extended by L’Oréal and UNESCO, together with the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS) and the Dutch Network of Women Professors (LNVH).

15 November 2018

Marie-Eve Aubin-Tam en Monique van der Veen awarded NWO Athena Prize 2018

Dr Marie-Eve Aubin-Tam and Dr Monique van der Veen, both of the faculty of Applied Sciences at the TU Delft, will receive the NWO Athena Prize 2018 at the CHAINS chemistry conference on 4 December.

09 November 2018

Issue on women in economics: many similarities to women in STEM

10 September 2018

Pump Your Career, Talent day for female scientists

10 September 2018

Distinguished Women Scientists Fund, LNVH

07 September 2018

LNVH and the Radboud University will investigate scientific harassment in academia

06 June 2018

Women changing the game in aerospace

Despite the fact that more and more women are pursuing careers in STEM – science, technology, engineering and mathematics – the gender gap is still significant. The good news is that at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, the number of women has consistently increased over the last years.

10 April 2018

ScienceGuide: Inclusive working environment

To what extent does the environment at research universities and universities of applied sciences contribute to an open, healthy and inclusive working environment? ScienceGuide has put together a dossier with articles, reports, news items and interviews on a range of subjects related to an open, healthy and inclusive working environment. What works well and what doesn't work when it comes to promoting diversity in the workplace? In a series of articles, professors at universities of applied sciences and others explain their approach and research into these issues. The ScienceGuide dossier also contains articles on the role of the confidential adviser and news about the emancipation of women in science and academia. See the dossier on the ScienceGuide website here.