Personel changes

News - 26 November 2021 - Communication

Open Studio has a whole new team of enthusiastic Open Studio Assistants. The Graphic Team has two new team members, Koen Weber and María Peiró Torralba. Logistics & Production is being reinforced by Tijmen Smith and Mathijs Dijk. And we have two new teachers: water polo instructor Koen van Es and Alexandre Clerin. We wish them all a lot of fun at X. We are also saying goodbye to a few colleagues: Iris Damen (Programme Assistant), Richard Ramakers (Teacher), Roel Starre (Maintenance Officer) and Fay Zafiropoulou (On & Offline Host).

The Graphic Team has two new team members: Koen Weber and María Peiró Torralba. Koen starts as of 1 January 2022 and is happy to introduce himself on the intranet.

Open Studio has a whole new team of enthusiastic Open Studio Assistants! Brace yourself, here they are: Maryam Aboueimehrizi, Martijn van Bodegraven, Nicolas Bueno Vega, Diana Bulatova, Deborah Cardoso, Tao Chen, Olivia Dolan, Marta Gavioli, Laurèl de Gier, Shawn Jiang, Korina Kljaic, Agnelo Thaddeus, Sneha Lodha, Max Meijster, Anna Shishkina, Jennifer Tan, Liselot van Tilt, Diana Vardanyan, Alexandra de la Vega and Dmitry Zhilyaev. While some of them have already introduced themselves in the previous newsletter, you can read the other introductions here!

Because of the corona period, we couldn't offer Open Studio for a long time, but now there is a whole new team of enthusiastic Open Studio Assistants who will breathe new life into it! Curious who all these people are? You can read all the introductory texts on the intranet.

At Products, Koen van Es will be working as a water polo instructor and Alexandre Clerin as a rugby trainer.

Logistics & Production will be reinforced by Tijmen Smith and Mathijs Dijk as Logistics & Production Assistants. You can read Tijmen's introduction here.