
19 september 2024

Outstanding Paper Award on Scientific Understanding in RL

M. Suau, M. T. J. Spaan, and F. A. Oliehoek were awarded the Outstanding Paper Award on Scientific Understanding in RL at the first Reinforcement Learning Conference (RLC).

19 september 2024

2 Veni Grants for the ELLIS Unit

Veni Grants for Dr. Elvin Isufi and Dr. Julia Olkhovskaia of the ELLIS Unit.

03 juli 2024

Mark Neerincx keynote at the ELLIS Summer School on Collaborative and Generative AI (CoGenAI) in Helsinki

Mark Neerincx keynote at the ELLIS Summer School on Collaborative and Generative AI (CoGenAI) in Helsinki

On July the 1st Mark Neerincx gave a keynote at the ELLIS Summer School CoGenAI. In this talk, he presented theories, models and methods for aligning AI with human values and cognitive processes to enhance hybrid human-AI decision-making, problem-solving and creativity.

01 februari 2024

ELLIS Munich-Delft Meetup

In an effort to make new and strengthen existing connections, a delegation of ELLIS Unit Delft visited ELLIS Munich and some of the most renowned AI research institutions in Munich area on the 25th and 26th of January 2024. The delegation consisted of people from TU Delft’s cognitive robotics department, and the sequential decision making group.

19 juli 2023

ELLIS Delft Unit shares vision on important risks of machine learning, and what would be its potential benefits

22 juni 2023

ELLIS Delft Unit’s poster event was a great success

ELLIS Delft Unit’s poster event was a great success

On Wednesday 14th of June in TU Delft’s Mondai | House of AI, we celebrated the Delft machine learning and AI ecosystem, focusing on past activities and future ambitions of the ELLIS Delft Unit and the broader TU Delft AI Initiative.

13 juni 2023

Dr. Elvin Isufi received two awards

Dr. Elvin Isufi received two awards

25 mei 2023

NWO ENW-M grant for Luca Laurenti

NWO ENW-M grant for Luca Laurenti

12 mei 2023

Paper Accepted at ICML - Matthijs Spaan

Paper Accepted at ICML - Matthijs Spaan

24 april 2023

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2023

20 april 2023

Three IJCAI papers by the ELLIS Unit Delft

15 april 2023

International Conference on Information Fusion 2023


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