NWO ENW-M grant for Luca Laurenti

Nieuws - 25 mei 2023 - ELLIS Unit Delft

We congratulate Luca Laurenti (Faculty of 3mE and co-director of the Herald Lab, part of TU Delft’s AI Labs & Talent programme, member of ELLIS Delft Unit). Luca has been awarded an NWO ENW-M grant for his application “Formal Verification and Control of Stochastic Dynamical Systems with Bayesian Neural Networks”.


The fragility and black box nature of deep learning algorithms have raised concerns about their use in safety critical applications, such as self-driving cars or smart cities, where errors may lead to costly or fatal accidents. I propose a shift towards Bayesian deep learning to design intelligent systems that use deep learning and have strong correctness guarantees. If successful, this project will enable a new generation of artificial intelligence techniques that are provably safe and beneficial.