Our event calender features:

  1. Events organised by the TU Delft Safety & Security Institute
  2. Relevant events organised by other units of TU Delft
  3. Selected events from external organisations

Event archive

38 resultaten

05 juli 2023 09:30 t/m 17:10

National XR Day

National XR Day

Programme 5 July The goal of the National XR Day is to show, tell, learn and be inspired by the latest on the use of XR in education and research. The programme is currently being further developed, but you can see the general outline of the day below. We have three topical tracks for the presentations and workshops: XR in education XR in research XR technology Apart from that there will be a demo fair during the day, where you can try out different applications and examples of XR use.

03 juli 2023 09:00 t/m 07 juli 2023 18:00

8th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy

8th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy

The 8th EuroS&P edition will be held on July 3-7, 2023 and is organized by TU Delft. Since 1980, the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy has been the premier forum for presenting developments in computer security and electronic privacy, and for bringing together researchers and practitioners in the field. Following this story of success, IEEE initiated the European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P), which is organized every year in a European city.

07 juni 2023 08:00 t/m 09 juni 2023 17:00

PhD & postdoc course ‘Safe by Design’ 2023

PhD & postdoc course ‘Safe by Design’ 2023

The integralSafe by Design approach includes safety (along with other important values such as sustainability, security and circularity) at an early stage of engineering design. This course offers an excellent overview of the extensiveness and importance of this approach. The team of lecturers together represent both the broad academic as the more practice-oriented approach in Safe by Design. Organized by TU Delft Safety and Security Institute, together with RIVM (the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) and VU Amsterdam. Open for PhD candidates from all universities and universities of applied science in the Netherlands.

31 mei 2023 15:30 t/m 17:00

TU Delft & NFI Science Café – deepdive edition

TU Delft & NFI Science Café – deepdive edition

In criminal cases, forensic experts are requested to submit assessments on the evidential value of a piece of information. Whether or not in the triage of facts a judge accepts the reasoning of an expert, depends on the expert’s demonstrable expertise and impartiality.

30 mei 2023 15:00 t/m 18:00

Think tank session about the future of Safety & Security @ TU Delft

Think tank session about the future of Safety & Security @ TU Delft

23 mei 2023 09:00 t/m 18:00

Cybersecurity of the Internet of Things (INTERSCT. conference)

Cybersecurity of the Internet of Things (INTERSCT. conference)

During the 2023 edition of the INTERSCT. Conference on cyber security of Internet-of-Things, there will be two series of parallel sessions related to the various work packages in the NWO NWA INTERSECT project, a series of plenary sessions related to the state-of-the-art in cyber security of Internet-of-Things, including keynote addresses by Ross Anderson and Julie Haney, as well as a networking lunch and a networking reception at the end of the event.

09 mei 2023 12:30 t/m 16:30

Workshop AI for Crisis Response and Climate Security

22 april 2023 10:00 t/m 14:00

Informatiemarkt: 60 jaar onderzoek en onderwijs met de reactor

21 april 2023 12:00 t/m 13:00

Failure prediction models & domain adaptation

Failure prediction models & domain adaptation

Lunch seminar with guest speaker Prof. Dr. Olga Fink. This seminar is part of a series on predictive maintenance, organized as part of a seed project on Technologies of the Future for Aircraft Safety.

13 april 2023 12:00 t/m 18:00

NWO KIC call matchmaking 'Cooperation between Humans and (semi-)Autonomous Systems'

NWO KIC call matchmaking 'Cooperation between Humans and (semi-)Autonomous Systems'

On Thursday 13 April 2023, NWO will organise a matchmaking event on location for the KIC call 'Cooperation between Humans and (semi-)Autonomous Systems'. The aim of this Call for proposals is to stimulate interdisciplinary research that contributes to the collaboration between humans and (semi-)autonomous systems. In this field, technological and social innovation go hand in hand.