Svenja Trapp
Svenja Trapp is a PhD candidate working on the project 'Fast and Efficient Purification of Medical Isotopes by Microfluidic Extraction' together with two other PhD candidates. The goal of the project is to develop a microfluidic liquid-liquid extraction chip that ensures fast purification during the cyclotron production of relevant medical radioisotopes.
Svenja is focussing on the development of a chemical separation method that effiently extracts short-lived radioisotopes produced by cyclotron irradiation, e.g. 68Gallium, and that can be applied to a microfluidic chip. Additionally, she will develop a chemical purification method to enable the recycling of the cyclotron liquid target material, and she will test the device at a cyclotron facility.
- November 2020 - present PhD candidate, Faculty of Applied Science, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
- 2019-2020 Research assistant at the University of Bonn, Germany
- 2016-2019 MS Geosciences, University of Bonn, Germany
- 2013-2016 BS Geosciences, University of Bonn, Germany