424 resultaten

14 februari 2024

Boyd Peters joined ImPhys as MSc student

Boyd Peters joined ImPhys as MSc student

Boyd Peters is a Nanobiology MSc student and he joined the lab of Hylkje Geertsema for his thesis project. The main goal of this project is to establish an expansion microscopy protocol and utilize it to reveal the organization of the nuclear lamins and several other proteins.

14 februari 2024

Hanna Post joined ImPhys as MSc student

Hanna Post joined ImPhys as MSc student

Hanna Post has joined the MARS lab for her Msc project. She will work on B1+ mapping and adiabatic pulses under supervision of Masa Bozic-Iven.

07 februari 2024

Stijn Karaçoban joined ImPhys as PhD student

Stijn Karaçoban joined ImPhys as PhD student

Stijn Karaçoban joined ImPhys as PhD student. He will work in the Hoogenboom lab to work with electron microscopy.

29 januari 2024

Convergence Relay 3: Jacob Hoogenboom

Convergence Relay 3: Jacob Hoogenboom

Convergence Relay episode 3 features Jacob Hoogenboom. He is one of the drivers of the CIFIC flagship. ‘We want to accelerate the availability of new techniques to medical scientists.’

22 januari 2024

TU Delft THz detectors to scan stardust in the Milky Way and beyond

TU Delft THz detectors to scan stardust in the Milky Way and beyond

A helium balloon lifted a set of terahertz sensors, developed in a TU Delft lab, to the edge of space on New Year’s Eve. These are the cameras for the Gusto mission that will map material in between stars.

18 januari 2024

Yiming Liu joined ImPhys as PhD student

Yiming Liu joined ImPhys as PhD student

Yiming Liu will work on the topic of Digital Pathology in 3D. Together with Prof. Dr. Sjoerd Stallinga’s group and the cooperation & support of experts from Philips, they will try to improve the performance of the current setup in algorithms and architectures.

16 januari 2024

Sarnia Fazlali joined ImPhys as Postdoc

Sarnia Fazlali joined ImPhys as Postdoc

Sarnia Fazlali joined ImPhys as a Postdoc. She will work on the simulation, (micro) fabrication, and (experimental) analysis, of MEMS electron optical elements/ devices for electron microscopy applications under supervision of Jacob Hoogenboom.

16 januari 2024

Lise Estournet has joined the lab of Jacob Hoogenboom for her internship

Lise Estournet has joined the lab of Jacob Hoogenboom for her internship

Lise Estournet is a master student studying physical-chemistry at Paris-Saclay University in France. She will be joining the lab of Jacob Hoogenboom for a six-month internship to assess charging and damage in a sample during electron beam exposure.

02 januari 2024

New paper | Quantifcation of bone surface textures: exploring a new method of ontogenetic ageing

New paper | Quantifcation of bone surface textures:  exploring a new method of ontogenetic ageing

As a result of the collaboration with Naturalis, University of Leiden and Utrecht we published a paper "Quantifcation of bone surface textures: exploring a new method of ontogenetic ageing"

20 december 2023

Light phenomena demonstrations at Lichtjesavond

Light phenomena demonstrations at Lichtjesavond

Every year on the second Tuesday of December, the city center of Delft changes into a Christmas market decorated with lights. The event is initiated by the lighting of the Christmas tree in the market square, an event named 'Lichtjesavond' or, loosely translated, 'Night of Lights'. During this event, a market stand was dedicated to show demonstrations of light phenomena to the general public, which was a collaboration of the Optics Research Cluster and the Optics Chapter Delft. A series of scientific demonstrations was presented, related to optics and light phenomena, aimed at children, parents, and general passersby.


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