
This is a 6 EC undergraduate course on fluid flow, heat and mass transfer. I teach this course together with <link en faculty-of-applied-sciences about-faculty departments radiation-science-technology reactor-physics-and-nuclear-materials people martin-rohde>Dr. Martin Rohde. There are 6 hours of lectures and 6 hours of exercises per week, during 10 weeks. The focus is on solving real-life problems by setting up appropriate balances for heat, mass and momentum, and finding quantitative solutions, making justified simplifications when needed. We use the book “Transport Phenomena – the art of balancing” by Harry van den Akker and Robert Mudde

TN1201 Thermodynamics

This is a 3 EC undergraduate course on thermodynamics. I teach this course together with Dr. Henk Schut. There are 8 hours of lectures and 8 hours of exercises per week, during 5 weeks. The focus is on solving real-life problems using the classical, phenomenological, engineering approach to Thermodynamics. We use the book “Principles of Engineering Thermodynamics” by Michael J. Moran and coworkers.

TN1003 & TN2003 Design Engineering for physicists

As a senior Comenius fellow of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, I support a team of innovative teachers (Dr. Rolf Hut, Dr. Wim Bouwman that is setting up and implementing two courses on Design Engineering for Physicists (6 EC each), based on the “maker education” approach.

TN2953-P Research practicals

I teach a 1.5 EC Research Practical on bubble behaviour in two-phase (gas-liquid) microfluidic chips. The students manufacture their own PDMS chip, and study the behaviour of bubbles at a T-junction- as a function of various flow parameters – by analysis of microscope video images.

AP3032 Continuum physics

This is a 6 EC graduate course on continuum physics, including continuum mechanics, fluid flow and magnetohydrodynamics. I teach this course together with <link afdelingen process-energy people fluid-mechanics profdr-djem-roekaerts>Prof. Dirk Roekaerts and <link tnw over-faculteit afdelingen chemical-engineering scientific-staff sasa-kenjeres>Dr. Dasa Kenjeres. There are 2 hours of lectures and 2 hours of exercises per week, plus 6 hours of homework assignments per week, during 20 weeks. The focus is on a rigorous mathematical approach to continuum physics, including tensor algebra and tensor calculus. Special topics include thermal convection and magnetohydrodynamics. We use the book “Principles of Continuum Mechanics” by J.N. Reddy.

Courses that I have taught in the past include:

  • Applied Numerical Methods (MSc Chemical Engineering)
  • Environmental Physics (MSc Applied Physics)
  • Physics of Sustainable Energy Systems (BSc Applied Physics)
  • Transport Phenomena (BSc Technical Earth Sciences)