MSc and BSc students

MSc students

Chemee Parree

  • Master student at Bera Research Group
  • ChemE Project: Bubble dynamics in flowing electrolytic environment

Kian Shariati Sharabi

  • Master student at Bera Research Group
  • ChemE Project: Particle Image Velocimetry of sliding droplets

Bas Hustinx

  • Master student at Bera Research Group
  • ChemE Project: Influence of redox reactions on a conductive polymer coating

Joey Meijdam

Sterre de Lange

Jeffrey Bontes

  • Master student at Bera Research Group
  • ChemE Project: Numerical investigation of droplet coalescence

BSc students

Jeroen Niezen

  • Bachelor student at Saša Kenjereš Lab
  • Project: Computational Fluid Dynamics of Environmental Flows

Furat Al-Sheikh

Ophelia de Visser

  • Bachelor student at Saša Kenjereš Lab
  • Project: numerical simulations and applications of comsol for microcirculation

MSc students

Emile Kooij

  • Master student at Saša Kenjereš Lab
  • Applied Physics Project: Translucent PCM Panel Performance: Experimental & Numerical Validation and Improvement of Panel Design for Commercial-sized Greenhouse Applications

Jildou de Jong

  • Master student at Saša Kenjereš Lab
  • Applied Physics Project: CFD Study into the Optimal Thickness of a Translucent Heat Battery Screening System in a Commercial-Sized Greenhouse

Mark Melotto

  • Master student at Saša Kenjereš Lab
  • Applied Physics Project: Natural convection in liquid metal cooled nuclear reactors

Ryan Westerveld

  • Master student at Saša Kenjereš Lab
  • Applied Physics Project: Performing measurements on the flow of a blood-mimicking flid inside a 3D rigid patient specific child aorta

Ruben Broek

  • Master student at Saša Kenjereš Lab
  • Applied Physics Project: Modelling the propagation of forest fires by using and expanding the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) model to include the effects of embers and the drying of wet vegetation.

Willem Roosenbrand

  • Master student at Saša Kenjereš Lab
  • Applied Physics Project: Phase Field Model Numerical Simulation for Vascular Tumour Network Growth

Chloi Protopapa


Leonidas Konstantopoulos

  • Master student at Saša Kenjereš Lab
  • ChemE Project: Numerical modeling and computer simulations of onset and progression of atherosclerosis in patient-specific geometries

Varun Venkateswaran

  • Master student at Saša Kenjereš Lab
  • ChemE Project: Analysis of parameters leading to the failure of Peripheral Intravenous Catheters using CFD

Mark Boots

  • Master student at Saša Kenjereš Lab
  • ChemE Project: PTV based measurement of thoracic aorta phantom

MSc students

Lisanne Abutan

  • Master student at Luis Portela group
  • Applied Physics Project: Dynamics of bubbles in fluidised beds

Jessica Aduana

MSc students

Sue van Deursen

  • Master student at David Vermaas Lab
  • ChemE Project: Understanding the effect of gas bubbles on gold nanostructured electrodes for CO2 electrolysis

Sophie van 't Hoff

  • Master student at David Vermaas Lab
  • ChemE Project: Sensitivity of CO2 electrolysis to contaminants

Sander Looman

  • Master student at David Vermaas Lab
  • ChemE Project: Eleetrochemical compression of caöon dioxide

Thomas Nguyen

  • Master student at David Vermaas Lab
  • ChemE Project: Simulating CO2 conversion in a membrane-electrode assembly with land-channel model

Zhengyao Zhu

  • Master student at David Vermaas Lab
  • ChemE Project: Electrochemically mediated CO absorption