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4TU Energy grant for Bijoy Bera for research (with UT) on Magneto-Iono-caloric Heat Pumps

September 2, 2024

Recently, dr. Bijoy Bera (Interfacial Physis Lab/Transport Phenomena Section) received, together with his collaborator dr. Keerthivasan Rajamani (University of Twente), the 4TU Energy grant, which promotes collaborative efforts among the four technical universities of NL to address the energy issues/future of this country. ChemE News sat down with Bijoy for more info.

Hanieh Bazyar receives Seed Fund Grant 2024 April

April, 2024

She received the grant for her research CO2-responsive microgel beads for in-situ detection of dissolved CO2

This project aims to develop responsive microgel beads capable of detecting dissolved CO2 and its speciation in ocean water. By leveraging Fabry-Perot etalon optical devices, these beads will swell or shrink in response to varying CO2 speciation, enabling real-time monitoring of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) levels crucial for carbon capture techniques like indirect ocean capture (IOC). The successful implementation of these novel beads could revolutionize DIC detection, facilitating faster and more reliable in-situ monitoring, ultimately advancing efforts to achieve negative global CO2 emissions by 2050 and mitigate global warming impacts.

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