I aim to educate students such that they become independent and responsible professionals, that can critically view their own and others’ work and that can incorporate their creativity when they go through the research cycle (proposing hypotheses, designing and executing experiments, interpreting and presenting the results, formulate conclusions and new hypotheses).
I am currently involved in two bachelor courses where I teach students quantitative and model-based approaches to analyze and improve biological and biotechnological processes.
BSc programme Life Science and Technology
Delft University of Technology and Leiden University
Course code: LB2763TU, 5 EC
(Jack Pronk & Robert Mans)A second year course for Life Science and Technology students, Microbial Physiology explores microbial metabolism and the role of micro-organisms in geochemical cycles and industrial processes from a quantitative, thermodynamics-inspired perspective. This course consists of a combination of classroom teaching and supervised exercise sessions
The lectures are taught in Dutch, English-language reading materials and Powerpoint slides are available. Book: Brock – Biology of Microorganisms.
This course runs from October-January
Period: 3rd year BSc
Course code: LB2771