Call for new scientific members for IDEE

What’s IDEE?

The Initiative on Innovation in Delft Engineering Education (IDEE) is a university-wide programme at TU Delft, aiming to strengthen the capacity of innovation in engineering education. The goal is to create a more systematic and evidence-informed approach to educational innovation at TU Delft, and to ensure that the knowledge gained is documented and shared with the wider education community.

Within this initiative, scientific staff members from different faculties work in teams together with a learning developer, PhD candidate and a Postdoc researcher. Each team addresses an educational challenge and aims to make a meaningful impact through the implementation of new practices.

The launch of two new themes

 This is the call for joining two new themes: Teaching and Learning in the Age of AI and The Transition from Secondary to Higher Engineering Education

More info on the themes is found on the website of the Teaching Academy.

Roles you can apply for

Show your interest

Please submit a Letter of Intent for one of the two themes*. It is a requirement to be an educator** in employment of TU Delft.. The Letter of Intent consists of:

  1. Personal information (name, position, faculty, possibility to be a promotor)
  2. Short motivation for the theme (max. 150 words)
  3. Envisioned role, see previous paragraph for more detailed description of roles, and why this role fits you (max 100 words).

The Letter of Intent should be submitted by 23 September at the latest by emailing to

For more information about this call, you can contact Lisanne Roseboom via

* The three existing themes are not open in this call. If you are interested in contributing to them, reach out to one of the team members. Meet them via the website.

** Educator; meaning everyone with a teaching role, from PhD to full Professor to fulltime Lecturer.