Professor of Excellence Award | Leermeesterprijs

Every year, the ‘Professor of Excellence Award | Leermeesterprijs’ is awarded to a Professor at TU Delft who excels in research as well as education, who knows how to inspire and motivate the next generation of Delft engineers and who made an impact beyond TU Delft. Recipients of the award are reckoned among the top of TU Delft. You can only become Professor of Excellence | Leermeester' per the recommendation of the Dean, as well as one’s colleagues, students and PhD-students, who consider you to be their ‘Leermeester’ and source of inspiration.

In addition to the recognition and appreciation, the award consists of a prize of €15.000 (to spend on a sabbatical), the silver medal and a Delft University of Technology recognition certificate and two business tickets any destination in the world offered by KLM.

The prestigious ‘Professor of Excellence Award | Leermeesterprijs’ was introduced in 1994 by the Delft University Fund who since then successfully awarded 29 ‘Leermeesters’. From 2023 onwards, the organisation of the award is entrusted to the TU Delft Teaching Academy.