Nieuws & Mediaoptredens

496 resultaten

01 mei 2020

Sabine Roese in Energiepodium over de energietransitie

Sabine Roese in Energiepodium over de energietransitie

Sabine Roeser vertelt in een podcast over de rol van emoties in de coronacrisis, en wat de eventuele invloed van de coronacrisis is op de energietransitie.

01 mei 2020

Marc de Vries in ICT Health over corona apps

Marc de Vries in ICT Health over corona apps

Marc de Vries stelt tijdens een rondetafeldebat van de vaste kamercommissie VWS dat we verder moeten kijken dan de corona-app.

30 april 2020

Ibo van de Poel nieuw Delftse KNAW-lid

Ibo van de Poel nieuw Delftse KNAW-lid

De KNAW heeft achttien nieuwe leden gekozen, waarvan vier afkomstig van de TU Delft. Ibo van de Poel is er één van. Leden van de KNAW, vooraanstaande wetenschappers uit alle disciplines, worden gekozen op grond van hun wetenschappelijke prestaties.

24 april 2020

Servaas Storm & Enno Schröder in The Conservation UK about government expenditure and Covid-19

Servaas Storm & Enno Schröder in The Conservation UK about government expenditure and Covid-19

Research from Servaas Storm and Enno Schröder is mentioned in a piece on government expenditure in South Africa in relation to the Covid-19 crisis.

23 april 2020

The Delft Design for Values COVID-19 Working Group

The Delft Design for Values COVID-19 Working Group

The Delft Design for Values (DDfV) COVID-19 Working Group (WGCV-19) aims to coordinate a collective response to the ethical and design issues raised by the COVID-19 crisis from researchers based in the Netherlands. It will focus on the ethical challenges of pandemics and emergency responses, especially how these can be addressed by emerging technologies. Additionally, the WGCV-19 will explore innovative responses to acute challenges and collate solutions to future pandemics and other crisis scenarios, as well as sharing these solutions with policy makers, epidemiologists, medical professionals, and the general public.

16 april 2020

Aimee van Wynsberghe promoted to associate professor

Aimee van Wynsberghe promoted to associate professor

Aimee van Wynsberghe has been promoted to (tenured) Associate Professor in Ethics and Technology at the department of VTI. Aimee's research focuses on the ethics of designing and implementing robotics and AI.