

  • Social Simulation Conference, September 4-8, 2023, Glasgow, UK.
    Presentation title - To be or to become? Moral Responsibility in the transition to community energy.
    Presenter: Anna Melnyk
  • Social Simulation Fest 2024, online
    Workshop title - Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Behavioral Modelling: Experiences and Challenges
    Organizer together with Lynn de Jager, Neelke Doorn & Anna Melnyk
  • Special Issue (published) “Modelling Values in Socio/Technical/Ecological Systems” in Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
    Guest editors: Amineh Ghorbani, Anna Melnyk, Bruce Edmonds, & Ibo van de Poel
  • Special Issue (published) “Changing Values and Energy Systems” in Journal of Science and Engineering Ethics
    Guest editors: Joost Alleblas, Anna Melnyk, & Ibo van de Poel
  • 2021 International System Dynamics Conference, online, 25. - 30.07.2021
    Presenter: Katharina Biely
    Co-authors: Emile Chappin, Gerdien de Vries
    Title: Understanding and overcoming the unfortunate resilience of our unsustainable socio-economic system.
  • International Conference on Environmental Psychology, Siracusa (Italy), 05.-08.10.2021
    Presenter: Gerdien de Vries
    Title: Schools as energy embassies in neighbourhoods; Results from implementing a participatory action oriented transition intervention.
    Note: The presentation is based on research performed together with
    Thomas Hoppe as part of the project “Scholen als Energieambassade in de wijk
  • Recharge Earth, Rotterdam (Netherlands), 08.09.2021
    Presenter: Gerdien de Vries
    Plenary #2: interplay between policies and behavior 
  • Beyond Oil 2021, Bergen (Norway) & online, 20. - 21.10.2021
    Presenter: Katharina Biely
    Co-author: Gerdien de Vries
    Title: Behavioral change for a socio-economic transition: linking system with individual behavior in complex systems
  • STS Conference Graz 2022, Graz (AT), 02-04.05.2022
    Session host: Katharina Biely
    Session title: C.2  Understanding the embeddedness of individuals within the larger system to support the energy transition (3 sessions)
  • STS Conference Graz 2022, Graz (AT), 02-04.05.2022
    Presenter: Milan Tamis 1,3
    Co-authors: Gerdien de Vries 2, Reint Jan Renes 1, Floor Alkemade 3
    Title: Understanding the social-psychological aspects of collective neighbourhood
    initiatives in the energy transition.
    Affiliations: 1 Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences; 2 Delft University of Technology; 3 Eindhoven
    University of Technology
  • Energy and Climate Transformations: 3rd International Conference on Energy Research & Social Science, Manchester (UK), 20-23.06.2022
    Presenter: Katharina Biely
    Co-author: Gerdien de Vries
    Title: Beyond techno-economic transitions: towards a conceptual framework to overcome path dependencies

ALE Ebrahim Dehkordi, M., Melnyk, A., Herder, P., & Ghorbani, A. (2024). Examining the interplay between national strategies and value change in the battle against COVID-19: An agent-based modelling inquiry. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 27(1), 18.

Alleblas, J., Melnyk, A., & van de Poel, I. (2024). Introduction to Topical Collection: Changing Values and Energy Systems. Science and Engineering Ethics, 30(4), Article 38. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11948-024-00497-x

Biely, K. (2022): The Behavioral Perspective. Working paper 1. Delft University of Technology, TPM Energy Transition Lab. https://doi.org/10.4233/uuid:0f0a5234-ec1f-44b1-88d5-49d703814c2c

Biely, K., de Vries, G. (2022): Beyond techno-economic transitions: towards a conceptual framework to overcome path dependencies. Poster presented at the Energy and Climate Transformations: 3rd International Conference on Energy Research & Social Science, 20-23.06.2022, Manchester (UK).http://resolver.tudelft.nl/uuid:43aa5ee0-26d8-4c51-bc8d-ae027a0e3536.

Fouladvand, J., Fiori, F., & Okur, Ö. (2024). Perception towards reducing natural gas consumption and imports in Europe: A theoretical and empirical investigation. Heliyon, 10(9). https://www.cell.com/heliyon/fulltext/S2405-8440(24)06750-1

Fouladvand, J., Ghorbani, A., Sarı, Y., Hoppe, T., Kunneke, R., & Herder, P. (2022, September). Energy security in community energy systems: An agent-based modelling approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 366, 132765. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.132765

Itten, A., & van Cranenburgh, S. (2021, October). How to deliberate with people who believe in climate & energy conspiracy theories. TU Delft. Retrieved from https://filelist.tudelft.nl/TBM/TBM%20Labs/Energy%20Transition%20Lab/Conspiracy%20Study%20ET%20Lab%20final.pdf

Melnyk & De Bruin (forthcoming, 2024). To be or to become? Moral Responsibility in the transition to community energy. Advances in Social Simulation: Proceedings of the 18th Social Simulation Conference, Glasgow, UK, 4-8 September 2023 (Springer Proceedings in Complexity). Ed. Corinna Elsenbroich & Harko Verhagen

Melnyk, Edmonds, Ghorbani, & Van de Poel (2024). Editorial: Modelling Values in Social, Technical and Ecological Systems. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 27(1), 20

Okur, Ö., Fiori, F., & Fouladvand, J. (2024). Adoption of renewable heating systems and thermal energy communities in the Netherlands: An empirical study. Energy Reports, 11, 3815-3823. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352484724001811

Stone, T., Dijkstra, I., & Danielse, T. (2021, October). Dark Acupuncture. International Journal of Sustainable Lighting, 23(2), 70–87. https://doi.org/10.26607/ijsl.v23i2.112

De Vries, G., Biely, K., & Chappin, E. (2021, December). Psychology: The missing link in transitions research. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 41, 42–44. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eist.2021.09.015

Read here our blog posts.

The TPM Energy Transition Lab organises a series of seminars on energy justice research. This series will cover the research that is being done within the faculty on the normative aspects of the energy transition, including ethical analysis, stakeholder inclusion, community engagement, and modelling approaches. 

Past seminars:
Dimensions of energy justice

  • Udo Pesch: Introduction to the seminar: TPM and the study of normative aspects of the energy transition
  • Nynke van Uffelen: From energy justice framework to claims of injustice: about normative uncertainties
    You can find more about her work here

Energy justice in the Global South

  • Shweta Mazire: Energy justice in India: Learnings from a solar park case study
  • Abidah Setyowati: Exploring energy justice and financing transitions to low carbon energy in Indonesia
    You can find more about her work here

Agent based models and normative issues

  • Javanshir Fouladvand: Agent based models and normative issues
  • Tristan de Wildt: Modelling value change: an exploration of a pragmatist account of value change

Inclusion in regional energy transitions

  • Amanda Martinez Reyes
  • Karen Moesker

Seminar Series 2022

  • Darren McCauley: A just energy transition for the arctic
  • Toyah Rodhouse: A new carrier for old assumptions? Imagined publics and their justice implications for the hydrogen transition in the Netherlands
  • Mariëlle Feenstra: Gender just energy policy: engendering the energy transition in Europe