On December 8, Purple Friday was celebrated all over the campus. Purple Friday is a day where we, as TU Delft, actively express that queer people are allowed to be themselves here. By wearing something purple with all cooperating groups and individuals, we show that we, as fellow students and employees, are accepting and welcome people from the queer community. In addition to visibility, Purple Friday is also an opportunity to work on creating an inclusive atmosphere on campus for the rest of the year.

My ‘student-for-a-day' day happened to be on Purple Friday. I saw something purple coming up on the coffee machines at the time and I really liked that they paid attention to this.

Queer student

Many organizations worked together to make the day a success. For example, collaborations were done with Ousite (the queer association), study associations, international associations, TrueU, and the Student Council. These collaborations made it possible to better connect with what the students wanted and made students themselves enthusiastic to organize and promote their events. Team Study Climate facilitated campus-wide promotion, and organized three brainstorms to think about possibilities with associations.


Some highlights from the day are:

  • Four lunch lectures with a total of about 150 students attending. The lectures covered inclusion-related topics and included time for conversation in which students could ask questions. These lunches contributed to understanding about inclusion and had a connecting nature. This hopefully brought queer and non-queer students another step closer together.
  • The photo contest, that was won by the Dreamhall, which had gathered around a hundred students. The two initiators stated that this was tremendously well received, and everyone was excited to participate. The photo contest contributed to the conversations around inclusion and to the underlying idea of visible acceptance.
  • 'Tips for supporters' were shared via the TU Delft Instagram and in some of the lunch lectures. Also, several study associations have included them in an article in their magazines afterwards. This contributes to a more inclusive atmosphere at TU Delft in the long run. 
  • All boards of student associations were photographed wearing purple props. These photos were distributed on Instagram and allows members of the study associations to see that the boards also support inclusion. Team Study Climate also posted messages on TU Delft's Instagram page. These components helped to portray inclusion and connection.

I walked across campus in my purple sweater, and every time I met someone in purple, I got really happy. It gave me a warm feeling, and a sense of connection with people I didn't know at all.

Queer student