MSc Marine Technology

TU Delft's MSc Programme in Marine Technology (MT) – the only one of its type offered in the Netherlands – gives future engineers the knowledge and skills they need to handle the entire process of design, construction, production and operation of these ships and marine systems.

Introduction week

Late enrolment

If you are enrolling later in the year, you will be invited for next year’s introduction, however you will need to contact the Master Coordinator yourself for support with your individual study programme.

In the first week of education, we’ll leave Delft for a couple of days with all students and staff. The goal of this trip is on the one hand to learn all about the different options within your master and help you pick your individual study programme. On the other hand to get to know both your fellow students and the staff involved in the master.

Information about the introduction week will be sent out to you in advance.

Start studiejaar / Start Academic year

2 september 2024

First Year

Before September 21 2018 students starting the MSc-MT make an appointment to have their Individual Study Programmes signed by the coordinator.

You are required to follow 60 EC of courses and projects. This part contains an obligatory part for all MT students (about 25 EC), a part related to your track (about 10 EC) and at least two electives you will need to select from a limited group of options (one content focussed and one on ethics). For Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering students there is also an obliged homologation course

The remaining credits you can fill with electives and need to be agreed upon by the Master Coordinator.


More information can be found in Brightspace.

Brightspace - MSc Marine Technology

Second Year

The second year consists out of 15 EC in courses, or an individual research assignment in the first part of the year.

The second part is a 45 EC graduation project. The focus of this project is of course your ability to perform research, preferably in line with the research of the department. Where you will execute this research is up to you. This can be at the University itself making use of the network of your supervisor to understand the practical side of theoretical problem. Or at a company, identifying suitable theories for practical problems, with the help of your TUDelft supervisor.


More information can be found in Brightspace.

Brightspace - MSc Marine Technology

Additional information

Contact information

MScMT coordinator

Peter de Vos

Harleigh Seyffert