Honours programme

The Faculty wishes to offer outstanding students the possibility to excel during their bachelor by more than just high grades. Therefore, as of the year 2014 the Faculty has started with an Honours Progamme Bachelor for Aerospace students for a limited selection of students. 

The Honours Programme accommodates students who have the ability and ambition to deliver an extra effort during their BSc study. The size of the programme is 20 EC, which is performed in addition to the common BSc curriculum. Both the Honours Programme and the regular BSc should be completed within the nominal study period (3 years for a bachelor degree).

The 20 EC consists partly of some interdisciplinary University courses (6 EC) specially developed for Honours Programme students of TU Delft, and a project of approximately 13 EC which will be performed under supervision of one of the scientific researchers of our Faculty. At the end of the third BSc year, honours students organize a symposium to share their research results with other students and staff members. The final part is a reflection report about the Honours Programme (1 EC).

Every August/September we will select a new group of excellent students. Students who completed their first year within 12 months with an average grade ≥ 8.0 are invited to participate in the selection procedure for this programme. 

For questions you can contact Bianca Giovanardi via hpd-lr@tudelft.nl. 

Below you can find more specific information for students and supervisors.