Outgoing exchange

An exchange period is possible for all Bachelor and Master students of the Faculty of TPM who fit the criteria. Bachelor students can do an exchange as a self-composed minor of 30 EC. Master students can do an exchange to take Master electives. An exchange can be arranged at any of the partner universities within EU (the Erasmus+ programme) or outside EU.

Deadline for application for Fall or Spring semester is 1 December - 23:59 hrs

The exchange application procedure consists of 3 parts: Orientation, Preparation, and During & After. You will be guided through each part by completing a number of steps on this site. The steps of the exchange application procedure are also explained in the checklist on Brightspace/study abroad.

After the selection has been completed, a list of ‘leftover’ places is available on request. Good luck!

International Office TPM

When you want to study abroad, it is advisable to begin with preparations a year in advance. You could start by asking yourself the following general questions:

  • Do I prefer a specific country or specific part of the world?
  • Can I manage French or Spanish, or would I prefer English?
  • Is there a particular subject or branch of study I would like to focus on?
  • When can I and do I want to go abroad?
  • For how long would I like to go abroad?

Possibilities to study abroad (minor, Master electives, Short-term)

We offer many options to go abroad. You can do a minor, some Master courses, a (research)project or a BSc or MSc thesis project. For an overview of different programmes for studying abroad, please visit the general TU Delft Study Abroad website. Within Europe, the most popular option for studying abroad is the ERASMUS+ network, which is sponsored by the European Union. 

If you wish to go to a university that has no exchange agreement with TU Delft, you may contact a university about the option to register as a ‘freemover’ student. A freemover student is an exchange (or ‘non-degree’) student, who has to pay the tuition fee to the host university for the study period at that university. 

More information

Aside from this website, the TPM International Office also hosts a BrightSpace page. This page provides you with a checklist and is an important channel to receive updates from the TPM International Office.

As we host students of many nationalities, it is advisable to approach students from the country you wish to visit. They can provide you with practical tips and information about their home university and country.  When you have decided what you want to do, you can make an appointment with the International Office for more information or advice. 

Special Programmes

If you like to participate in another international programme than an exchange or an internship, you have multiple options. Some of these options are listed below:

Application, selection and nomination

The number of exchange places at the partner universities is limited and well in demand. For all places there is an application and selection procedure. Students need to prepare themselves and their choice destination(s) well before the application deadline of 1 December. Students give three choices for exchange destinations and need to motivate their first choice in the motivation letter.

Now that you have completed the orientation and preparation part of the exchange process, it is time for your application for which you have to take the following steps.

Enrol for the ‘Study Abroad TPM’ Brightspace course

Find the Checklist Study Abroad for all the steps you need to take to apply successfully for an exchange.

Choosing your courses.

Bachelor students who intend to do their free minor abroad need to be aware of the following conditions when choosing their courses:

  • A total of 30 ects
  • cohesive programme of modules
  • third-year Bachelor level or higher (Master level courses abroad are allowed by TPM)
  • approval by ‘clustercoordinator’

For more information: Minors (tudelft.nl)

Master students who intend to do their Master electives abroad need to be aware of the conditions that apply to their Master programme when choosing their courses.

For example: The course Master thesis Preparation (5 EC) is a mandatory course in Delft and cannot be replaced. Please go to the Graduation portal TPM (Graduation Portal) for all information on this subject. 

Application documents

Please upload the following documents: 

  • Official transcript of records including GPA of Bachelor and Master programmes (if applicable). You may request the transcript of records including GPA from the TPM Servicepoint.
  • Motivation letter – in English - with your motivation for the first choice, and a preliminary studyplan for the first choice destination (download the Motivation Letter format!) 
  • Study progress (in case of a study delay for personal or study-related reasons please indicate this in the motivation letter). Bachelor students are required to have obtained all first-year courses (60 ec), before departure. If you have not yet, please indicate how you will obtain the full 60 ec before the start of the exchange.
  • A resume (CV) is not required.

The application tool osistud.tudelft.nl is open from 15 November – 1 December (midnight).

  • An exchange period lasts 1 semester or 5 months generally;
  • You have to be enrolled and pay the tuition fee in ‘Studielink’ as a full-time student at TU Delft throughout your exchange period.
  • Your chosen study programme abroad is part of your curriculum at TU Delft and needs to be approved by the Board of Examiners of TPM. 

Students will be selected based on their study results, study progress and motivation. It is expected that the selection will be finalized before 1 February. Students will be informed through Osiris an student email.

The selected students will then be nominated to the partner university. After that, the students will follow the application and admission procedure of the partner university.

Following the application and selection of the exchange, several steps have to be taken before you can start your exchange.

Safety, Insurance & Medical Services

For all information about this subject, see the general website.

TU Delft travel insurance

It is obligatory to register for a travel insurance provided by the TU Delft. Registration is free and done via Osiris under ‘Abroad’. This is not a full travel insurance, it is recommended to choose a personal travel insurance as well.

Travel Safety Training

A travel safety training is mandatory for everyone going abroad. The training is free of charge. If you have recently followed the Travel Safety Training (within the last 2 years), you do not have to follow the training again.


You have to check whether you need vaccinations at your destination yourself. If so, you can be vaccinated with a reduction of €50,- by the SGZ. To do so, contact the International Office for the vaccination form. Check your own health insurances, some also provide this option.


Check if your destination requires a visa. You can request a visa using the letter of acceptance of the host university. Be aware, this usually takes a long time.

Public transport compensation

As you will not be using your OV-card, you can get compensation for the public transport abroad. This is a fixed amount per month. The application is done via the website of DUO


Numerous scholarships are provided by the EU, the Dutch government, TU Delft and private funds. For instance, Erasmus+ is available for exchanges within Europe, while NL Scholarship and STIR are available for exchanges outside Europe.


Once you have been admitted by your host university, you can fill in and sign the Erasmus + learning agreement.
Then, after having it signed by the International office, you can send it to erasmusgrant@tudelft.nl at least six weeks before the start of the study abroad.

The full Erasmus+ application procedure can be found here: ERASMUS+ Study (tudelft.nl)

NL Scholarship 2024-2025

The NL Scholarship is meant for excellent students who are going abroad on exchange, internship or research. Our faculty can offer in total 9 NL scholarships to students who are going on exchange outside the EU/EEA (including Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) or will do an internship/research, and not the country of origin. Students who will go to Switzerland are not entitled to apply. Students who will go to the UK can apply.

The amount of the scholarship is 2500 EURO.

Green Travel 

Website Green Travel (tudelft.nl) 

Did you know that many EU destinations can be reached by bus or train, saving lots of CO2 that you would have been responsible for emitting if you had travelled by plane?

TU Delft would like to invite you to consider your travel options and encourage you to take a train or a bus to your destination. To travel green is to make a simple choice to lessen your negative impact on the environment, on a given destination and its local people. Individually you can make that change today to make a big difference tomorrow. Let’s make an effort together! 

During your stay abroad, you will follow courses or do an internship. It is not uncommon to apply for changes to your initial study programme due to scheduling conflicts or other causes. Please notify your cluster coordinator or graduation coordinator of these changes as soon as possible, and apply for approval to the Board of Examiners after your return.

For Bachelor students: Please read the information on the minor information page. You need to use the form provided there: Aanvraagformulier goedkeuring individuele minor to get your courses approved by the Clustercoordinator and the Board of Examinors.

For Master students: Please read the information on the Master electives page. You need to use My Studyplanning to get your courses approved by the Board of Examinors.

Before returning, you should obtain a Transcript of Records (list of grades) to hand in upon return. Any grants, funds or scholarships may require additional documentation that may be easier to obtain whilst still abroad. 

Acknowledgement of obtained study results

It is important that study results obtained abroad will be registered at TU Delft upon return to have these results included on your BSc or MSc degree certificate. The grades obtained outside TU Delft will not be stated on your list of grades, only the mark V (voldaan/pass).

For your study results to be processed, you will need to fill out the to fill out the application form for conversion of results Transcript of Records and send this together with a Transcript of Records to the Board of Examiners. Please note the transcript needs to come directly from the partner university or can be verified by the Board of Examiners otherwise.

Make sure that: 

  1. For BSc students: Your courses on the transcript are registered via the Minor form. 
  2. For MSc students: Your courses on the transcript are registered in My Study Planning .