5.3 Project meetings

Meetings with TU Delft supervisors

You may schedule a meeting with your TU Delft supervisors every 3-4 weeks. Actual frequency depends on your progress and supervision needs and the agenda options of these supervisors. You can meet them together if possible, or separately, but then you miss the interaction and the option to align their perspectives directly.
Committee chairs may have a tighter agenda than the other supervisor. You plan meetings well in advance. Short-term appointments are usually more difficult to arrange.

Meetings with commissioner supervisors

You can organize as many meetings as you need with your external supervisor(s), independent from your meetings with the TU Delft supervisors.

Mandatory meetings: Progress and decision-making

There are four mandatory meetings as described in sections 1.4 - 4 of the thesis manual. All 4 meetings should be organized via the chair's secretary. They should be attended by you, your TU Delft- and external supervisor(s).

If you are confused by the comments made during one of these meetings, ask immediately for a short meeting in order to ask for more explanation and recover. Do not leave the office/building in confusion. Take a break to absorb all comments and then make a plan on how to deal with them.

(Re)schedule a (mandatory) meeting

When you run out of time, made little progress or take a leave, do not feel pressure to have a scheduled meeting, but delay it after discussion with your supervisors. This holds in particular for the 4 mandatory meetings. Move it forward or use a scheduled meeting for an alternative purpose.  For instance, have the mid-term meeting at a scheduled green light date or have the green light meeting at the planned Final Defence and Graduation date.

The chair of your committee

Both supervisors have a similar position in terms of content support. The chair will take care of the formal procedure as well.

Obligatory courses second year

Thesis project