
Aanmelden voor vakken is van toepassing op vakken uit de bacheloropleidingen Computer Science & Engineering

  Education Registration Opening Registration Closure
Semester 1 (Q1 + Q2) regular courses BSc CSE students 15 Aug 2024   - 
Semester 1 (Q1 + Q2) year 2 variant courses BSc CSE students 13 May 2024 2 Jun 2024* (Students who are not first year students but would like to enroll for the variants, can enroll according to the procedure for regular courses which opens 15th of August.)
Semester 2 (Q3 + Q4) regular courses BSc CSE students 25 Nov 2024   - 
Semester 2 (Q3 + Q4) year 3 electives BSc CSE students 25 Nov 2024 8 Dec 2024

For Q4 projects with entry requirements (CSE2000 Software Project and CSE3000 Research Project), a separate procedure for registration will be held through Project Forum in weeks 2.8-3.1. For the Q2 instance of Research Project,  you can register until week 1.3. Information will follow via the Brightspace page of the Bachelor Computer Science and Engineering.

*Registration for the variant courses in Semester 1 will be possible via Project Forum. If everyone can be placed in their preferred variant, you will receive a confirmation and will automatically be enrolled in MyTUDelft. You need to register for the last variant course in Q3 yourself in MyTUDelft (from November 25th onwards). If you are retaking any variant course, you can register for the course yourself in MyTUDelft when the regular registration opens.


Note that registering to follow courses does not mean you are automatically registered for the exam. For every exam you have to register two weeks in advance in MyTUDelft. More information can be found here: Registration for examinations (tudelft.nl).