Admission Requirements

Secondary School Diploma

A secondary school diploma considered equivalent to the Dutch pre-university ‘VWO’ diploma. In addition, for specific BSc programmes certain final examinations subjects are required. 

Please see below for the type of diploma’s and final examination subjects that are required.

Is your diploma not in the list above? In order to assess your eligibility you should submit a complete application through Studielink and osiaan.

Required Secondary School Examination Subjects

BSc programme Mathematics Physics Chemistry Biology
Aerospace engineering X X    
Applied Mathematics X      
Applied Physics X X    
Architecture, Urbanism and Bielding Sciences X X    
Civil Engineering X X    
Clinical Technology X X X  
Computer Science and Engineering X      
Earth, Climate and Technology X X X  
Electrical Engineering X X    
Industrial Design Engineering X X    
Life Sience and Technology X X X  
Marine Technology X X    
Mechanical Engineering X X    
Molecular Science and Technology X X X  
Nanobiology X X X X
Systems Engineering, Policy Analysis and Management X X    

Language Requirements