Student - Samantha Gabree

Name: Samantha Gabree
Student: Master Life Science and Technology

"I really felt that TU Delft has strong links with industry and places a lot of emphasis on entrepreneurship and innovation, which is a great way to prepare for future career opportunities.”

Samantha Gabree

I came straight to TU Delft after getting my bachelor's in biology and sociology in the US. After deciding to move away from medicine and towards biotechnology, I came across the Life Science and Technology programme, which offered me a place through Fulbright, the US cultural exchange programme that is helping to fund my studies here. When I saw this opportunity, I knew it was different from my background, but it was a great chance to develop my skills in a more technical setting.

I didn't have high expectations for the programme as it was a big change from my academic background. However, from the outset, the programme immerses you in challenging courses on a range of topics. From the very first quarter, you get to build up your skills in mathematical modelling, learn about how to make bioprocesses more scalable and efficient, and study lots of different ways to analyse microorganisms at the molecular level. The courses were fast-paced and assumed a background that I didn't have, but I found them as rewarding as they were challenging. As I progressed, I was able to focus my interests on the Cell Factory specialisation, where I further explored genetic engineering and metabolic networks. I noticed a significant improvement in my ability to read scientific papers, which simultaneously enhanced my understanding of relevant topics in my other courses. I appreciated the connections I was able to draw between courses and my ability to transfer this new knowledge across related subjects.

I wrapped up my first year with the design project, which threw some new challenges at us in terms of group work within the context of a real-life career scenario. Our teams had to design a bioethanol plant, trying to balance profit and sustainability. I really felt that TU Delft has strong links with industry and places a lot of emphasis on entrepreneurship and innovation, which is a great way to prepare for future career opportunities.

Looking back on the past year, I'm excited to start my thesis and feel grateful for all the knowledge I've gained in such a short time. I'm hoping my thesis in the biotechnology and society sector will help me find a career where I can combine my technical knowledge with policy and communications. The programme is intense, but the cultural diversity among my peers and the support from the professors and staff have helped me develop in ways I didn't expect.

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