Programme in Detail

The WiCoS programme is spread over 2 years with 4 quarters per year. Your courses will evolve from the more general ones in the common core in the beginning of the programme to more specialised in the second quarter and beyond, and finally your thesis project. See below.

First Year (60 EC)
1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter
Main core courses Main core courses Main core courses Track core courses
Track core courses Track core courses Specialisation courses
Specialisation courses Specialisation courses Specialisation courses
Second Year (60 EC)
1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter
Free elective courses Graduation project (45 EC)
Main Core (18 EC)
An individual exam programme (IEP) of the track Wireless Communication and Sensing consists of the parts as indicated below. Note that course loads are expressed in EC, with 1 EC indicating nominally 28 hours of active study, including class and self-study.

1. Compusary courses
Profile Orientation and Academic Skills 3 EC
Systems Engineering 5 EC
2. Main core courses Choose 2 out of 8 (more is allowed)
The so-called main core consists of a set of fundamental courses in EE, of which you are required to select 3. Each of them is 5 EC. These courses aim to strengthen your general fundamental knowledge and skills. One of the reasons for this setup is that you will be better able to work in multi-disciplinary teams. Most of these courses have an assignment that will allow you to apply the theory of the course in the direction of your chosen track, i.e. WiCoS. These courses are all in the 1st quarter.

Analog Circuit Design Fundamentals 5 EC
Control System Design 5 EC
Electromagnetics 5 EC
Machine Learning for Electrical Engineering 5 EC
Measurement and Instrumentation 5 EC
Networking 5 EC
Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Modeling 5 EC
Wireless Systems for Electrical Engineering Applications5 EC
3. Track core (select 3 out of 5)
The WiCoS track core consists of a number of broadly applicable fundamental courses as listed below, of which you are required to select at least 3. Generally, these courses are in the 2nd and 3rd quarter. Most courses are 5 EC.

Advanced Electromagnetics5 EC
Estimation and Detection5 EC
Fundamentals of Wireless Communications5 EC
Performance Analysis5 EC
Propagation and Scattering of EM waves5 EC
4. Specialisation courses (at least 24 EC)
You are required to take at least 24 EC of specialisation courses (about 4 to 5 courses). The specialisation courses as offered by the Wireless Communication and Sensing related research groups are shown below. However, in consultation with the master coordinator and/or your tentative thesis supervisor, you can take any EE or CE or even any EEMCS course as a specialisation course. You can also take extra track core courses (or common core courses) in your specialisation space.

Advanced Practical I.o.T. and Seminar / An Introduction to Wavefield and Magnetic Resonance Imaging / Antenna Systems / Applied Convex Optimization / Array Processing / Data Compression: Entropy and Sparsity Perspectives / Distributed Signal Processing / High Frequency Wireless Architectures / Integrated Circuits for RF/Wireless Applications / Introduction to UWB technology, systems and applications / Machine Learning, a Bayesian Perspective / Mobile Networks / Object classification with radar / Quasi Optical Systems / Radar I: From Basic Principles to Applications / Radar II: Theory and System Design / Sensor Signal and Data Processing / Spectral Domain Methods in Electromagnetics / Superconducting Astronomical Instrumentation / Telecom Business Architectures and Models / Telecommunication Network Architectures

5. Free Electives (15 EC)
In the free elective space, you can take any MSc level courses from TU Delft (and from other universities, only when taken during your enrolment in TU Delft). At most 15 EC of these can count toward your IEP (Individual Exam Programme). Some of many possibilities are listed below.

Business development lab (short) | Cyber Risk Management | Digital Business | Entrepreneurship: basic course | Research Project at University | Research Project at Industry | I&C Architecture Design | I&C Services Design | Integrated Design of I&C Architectures | Internship | Project entrepreneurship

Thesis Project (45 EC)
The thesis project is the last study unit of the programme and serves to prove that the student has acquired the academic competencies of a Master of Science. The project involves a research or design task with sufficient academic level. The project may be executed within a research group at TU Delft, or in a suitable research institute or company. The project must be carried out with a systematic approach and should include all phases of a research or design project: analysis, modelling, implementation/construction and validation/evaluation. You will execute the thesis project independently, guided by a daily supervisor and under the responsibility of a full or associate professor.

For more information, visit

WiCoS Profiles – Consistent Sets of Courses for Specialisation Directions

Your individual exam programme (IEP) should be agreed upon with your thesis professor (supervisor). Naturally, the supervisor would advise you to take certain courses so that you are better prepared for a thesis project in his/her research direction. In order to help you to understand how certain courses work together for certain research directions and guide you in making the relevant choices, please find a number of profile packages below. These profiles typically specify a number of highly recommended courses that more or less define the profile, and a larger number of additionally relevant courses. You are not required to take all these courses; it is just a shortlist of potentially relevant courses. Actually, you really have the opportunity to fill in your own IEP in a broader way than just focused on a specific profile. It is therefore important to discuss your IEP at an early stage with your (tentative) thesis supervisor and negotiate your wishes.

Profile: Applied Electromagnetics

Profile: Quasi Optical Systems

Profile: Astronomical Instrumentation

Profile: Microwave Sensing and Radar

Profile: Physical Layer Signal Processing for Communication

Profile: Network Design & Management

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