Sibel from the Netherlands

Personal information

Name: Sibel Gökbekir

Age: 22 years old

Original from: Zwijndrecht, the Netherlands

Current residence: Dordrecht

Hobbies: photo- & videography, travel, playing music: violin & piano, tennis

The truest guide in life is science.

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Who is Sibel?
Hi! My name is Sibel, and I am 22 years old. Currently, I am in the final year of my master’s degree program in Complex Systems Engineering and Management (CoSEM) at TU Delft. Prior to my master’s, I pursued a bachelor's degree in Systems Engineering, Policy Analysis, and Management (Technische Bestuurskunde). Choosing this master's in CoSEM seemed like a logical next step, given its continuation with diverse tracks and alignment with my interest in the energy domain. Reflecting on my educational journey, if I were to start college anew, would I choose this path again? Without hesitation, yes!

As someone with an interest in both science and social studies, I explored a mix of these subjects during high school by choosing the Nature & Technology and Economics & Society profiles.
It was during this time that my interest in the energy sector and sustainable solutions began to develop. My parents had a company focused on solar energy and I was fascinated by this sector. In my final year of high school, I completed a project about solar energy including a theoretical part about solar technology and building my DIY solar cell. 

Why I chose the Energy track
That is why I chose the Energy track instead of the other tracks, transport and ICT. I would estimate that the Energy track courses make up about one-third of the overall curriculum. In this track, we cover a wide range of topics related to energy, including energy economics, energy policy, energy systems modeling/analysis and renewable energy technologies. Studying these topics has provided me with a holistic understanding of the complex energy systems that form the foundation of welfare in our modern world. The remaining two-thirds cover courses such as institutional economics, law, statistics, econometrics, programming and mixed research methods. Clearly, this master’s taught me how to apply a multidisciplinary approach to problem-solving.

Electives and Master’s thesis
In my second year of the master’s, I had the freedom to select electives and determine the subject of my master’s thesis. During the preceding semester, I pursued courses in economics and finance, which delved deeper into pivotal economic phenomena such as the Great Depression, the 2008 financial crisis, the Dot-Com bubble burst, and the COVID-19 pandemic recession. Currently, I am working on my master's thesis, where I focus on exploring the concept of energy justice within the context of the Global South. I have a strong preference for this subject, as it provides another opportunity for me to apply technical skills to address matters of great societal significance.

Throughout the entire master's program, complex systems theory permeates every aspect. Think of climate change; instead of isolating individual factors, complexity theory examines the interactions among diverse elements including energy sources, atmospheric conditions, human activities, policy designs, and institutions. This holistic approach allows for the development of thorough strategies to tackle climate change. Consequently, we prioritize system thinking and analyse how various elements within a system interact. This approach facilitates the creation of effective and sustainable solutions by considering the interconnectedness of environmental, social, and economic factors. In essence, the system as a whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

In addition to my study… 
Next to my studies, I am a board member of the student network ‘Energy Talents’, a two-year scholarship program designed for students across the Netherlands who share a passion for the energy transition. Every month, we participate in in-house days where we visit leading energy companies, tackling their challenges and gaining valuable insights into potential career paths. 
Furthermore, we deliver guest lectures at high schools, educating students about the energy transition and future challenges. We also organize social events within our alumni network, which includes many former CoSEM students. Last year, I had the opportunity to be interviewed alongside two other Energy Talents at the Offshore Energy Conference and Exhibition in Amsterdam, which facilitated the expansion of our network within the energy sector.

Do you want to make an impact in the world? CoSEM is the perfect study for you!
Thanks to this master’s program, I am ready to make a meaningful contribution to improving the world. The CoSEM programme provides me with the knowledge and tools necessary to develop an integrated and adaptable approach to solving complex problems, enabling me to make a real difference. So, if you're looking for a master’s program that prepares you to solve problems in an environment of complex socio-technical systems, then the CoSEM program at TU Delft is the perfect choice for you!