Valentin Lorenzen da Silva

The curriculum is very future-oriented with courses such as CO2 Neutral Structures, providing a good balance between theory and hands-on projects.

Why did you choose this programme?

I chose this programme because of its great reputation and its international and diverse environment. The curriculum in the track Structural Engineering stood out for being very future-oriented, offering courses such as CO2 Neutral Structures and providing a good balance between theory and hands-on projects.

What’s a highlight of the programme?

A highlight for me is a multidisciplinary project I did together with three other TU Delft students in Ecuador. For two and a half months, we independently worked on a project, successfully installing a water chlorinator in a rural community with no access to safe drinking water. Working on the project taught me a lot about the challenges of humanitarian engineering interventions and about working in different cultural environments.

What do you hope to do upon completing the programme?

After my graduation, I would like to pursue a PhD in a field related to sustainable, circular structural design, digital fabrication, or spatial structures. My thesis on fabric formwork and digital fabrication, in particular, has sparked my interest in research and shown me that there is much more to learn and explore in research. Through future research on this topic, I hope to contribute to a more resource-efficient construction practice.