Bridging Programme

Students with a HBO degree or a bachelor degree in a field closely related but different than aerospace engineering are required to follow a premaster programme before they can start with the master programme Aerospace Engineering. 




The AE bridging programme is exclusively available to students that have completed selected programmes at a Dutch university of applied sciences. Visit to check if your current degree qualifies you for admission to our bridging program.

Please note that only applications from candidates with the required educational background, as listed on the aforementioned website, will be considered.


Objective of Bridging Programme

The major objective of the bridging programme is the further development of skills to an academic bachelor level. It offers the opportunity to further skill yourself in: mathematics, mechanics, aerospace engineering and thinking and working in models. After the successful completion of the 1-year bridging programme, which consists of 51 EC and must be completed within a maximum of 2 years from the date of registration, you can be admitted to the master programme in Aerospace Engineering.


All applicants must also meet the general requirements and follow the standard application procedures outlined by TU Delft for all its bridging programmes. More information about this procedure and the requirements can be found on this webpage

All applications are processed by TU Delft Contact Centre, for questions about the application procedure, deadlines and the required documents, please contact them.

For all questions regarding the AE bridging programme curricilum, study planning, continuation in the Master or other study related matters, you can contact the AE academic councellors.



AE Bridging Programme & Regulations

The AE bridging programme is a fixed programme of 51 EC for all applications. It is therefore not necessary to determine your courses together with the coordinator beforehand in contrast with what is instructed on the general  bridging programme webpage. In addition, het Rapportageformulier & Machtigingsformulier, which will be send to you by TU Delft Contact Centre after having completed your registration in Studielink, can be filed in based on this fixed programme. 

For more detailed information regarding the courses, please consult the Study Guide. If you have already taken a few of these bridging programme courses as electives before: please also send in an official transcript with your grades and course codes to TU Delft Contact Centre to have your forms adjusted.

More information regarding the AE bridging programme & regulations can be found in Regulations Bridging Programme 24-25.

MSc programme Aerospace Engineering

In the academic year you are going to complete the bridging programme, you need to apply for one of the tracks of the MSc programme Aerospace Engineering. Here, the general application procedure regulations outlined by the TU Delft apply. More information can be found on this webpage. In addition, please be aware that a specific placement procedure is in place as well for students intending to start the MSc programme Aerospace Engineering. More details can be found on this webpage.


Frequently Asked Questions