Scientists must be skilled in presenting their research in a clear way. They have to convince various audiences of the societal relevance of their work. Furthermore, they have to be able to formulate and reflect on their views on ethical aspects on their field. Knowledge of rhetorical theory and the ability to recognize and apply rhetorical strategies in presentations and debates are therefore invaluable assets for scientists. Contrary to the everyday use of the term “rhetoric”, which is often negatively related to manipulation, the academic study of rhetoric offers a toolbox for analysing the social and ethical implications of communicative situations and for applying strategies to effectively get a message across in situations with various audiences. In this course, students learn to (1) reflect on their role as a rhetorical communicator and (2) how to present complex scientific and societally relevant topics clearly and attractively to an audience of non-experts. During the course, students work on a TED-like talk on a scientific and/or ethical topic which they will present to a larger audience at the final event of the course.

Discrimination in a Data-Driven Dystopia

by Quentin Oschatz

Scientists were shocked when they heard this.

by Jessica Monahan

The Joy of Reading.

by Lisa Warners