Materials for Additive Manufacturing Laboratory (MAM)

The Materials for Additive Manufacturing (MAM) lab enables the design and production of materials with higher strength and greater energy efficiency, as well as creating complex shapes, reducing the amount of material where needed or even using natural or more sustainable resources. The focus of the lab is on exploring materials and developing products that can withstand extreme conditions, such as in air and space.

The laboratory is featuring additive manufacturing facilities for metals, intermetallic, advanced ceramics and polymer components. The facilities also include capabilities for the powder (atomization and handling of raw material) processing and post-processing stages: debinding, sintering and thermal treatments.

The Materials for Additive Manufacturing Lab
The Materials for Additive Manufacturing Team
Foto © Sam Rentmeester . 20231116 . 3D-print faciliteit 3ME
Foto © Sam Rentmeester . 20231116 . 3D-print faciliteit 3ME
Foto © Sam Rentmeester . 20231116 . 3D-print faciliteit 3ME
Foto © Sam Rentmeester . 20231116 . 3D-print faciliteit 3ME
Foto © Sam Rentmeester . 20231116 . 3D-print faciliteit 3ME
Foto © Sam Rentmeester . 20231116 . 3D-print faciliteit 3ME
Foto © Sam Rentmeester . 20231116 . 3D-print faciliteit 3ME
Foto © Sam Rentmeester . 20231116 . 3D-print faciliteit 3ME
Foto © Sam Rentmeester . 20231116 . 3D-print faciliteit 3ME
Foto © Sam Rentmeester . 20231116 . 3D-print faciliteit 3ME
Foto © Sam Rentmeester . 20231116 . 3D-print faciliteit 3ME

Responsible Technician: Hans Brouwer