Hiring Interns

Internship Office
The Internship Office at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering is the main point of contact for companies/institutes interested in hiring an intern.

How to get in contact with your future intern
The Internship Office can inform you about the different selection options you can take. You can choose to have students contact you directly about internship opportunities or you can choose to have the Internship Office do the first selection. It is the goal of the Internship Office to provide a customized solution for your company/institute's needs. As a service, we can also publish the internship opportunity on our student intranet site. Obviously we also mention the different internship possibilities to students that contact us in search of an internship position. Please first check out the internship requirements below and then let us know how we can help you choose a suitable candidate for your organisation! Please also ascertain that your company agrees to the requirements as stated below.

Internship Requirements

  1. Internships for students that started their MSc programme before Academic Year 2022-2023, have a minimum duration of 12 weeks (18EC). Internships for students that started their MSc programme in or after Academic Year 2022-2023, this is 10 weeks (15EC). Internships within the Netherlands have a maximum duration of 5 months, whereas internships abroad have a maximum duration of 6 months. Internships always have to be arranged in consultation with the Internship Coordinator.
  2. The internship should have a clear deliverable of a sufficient academic master level.
  3. The internship is full-time in consecutive weeks at the company’s office, and cannot take place at the TU Delft. A partly remote internship is possible, but will have an effect on the maximum duration of the internship that is allowed. The duration will be decided upon in consultation with the Internship Coordinator. 
  4. The student has to receive a supervisor from the company. The student will not receive a supervisor from Delft University of Technology. The student is supposed to have meetings with the supervisor regularly to discuss the process and work of the student.
  5. The supervisor and student have at least two official evaluation moments, one midterm and one final evaluation.
  6. The results of the evaluations are shared with the Internship Office through OnStage, the online system used for the entire internship process, by the intern.
  7. The intern has to hand in a technical internship report to the Internship Office of Delft University of Technology in order to receive a grade. This report is treated confidentially, a non-disclosure agreement is available for this, more information can be found under ‘Internship Agreement/NDA’ below.
  8. The student has to receive a contract to formalize the internship. Students are urged to use one of the template agreements: the UNL agreement or the work placement agreement. Note that for internships taking place in the Netherlands the UNL agreement is mandatory. In case a company or student has questions about agreements, the students can consult with the Education Contracts Office (educationcontracts-ae@tudelft.nl). More information can be found under ‘Internship Agreement/NDA’ below.

Process Outline
The internship is planned in Quarter 1 of the second MSc year, which starts in September. In case students like to go on longer internships, it is advised to start their internship before September. Please keep in mind that as soon as a student is selected, he/she needs another 2 weeks to get confirmation within the Faculty before he/she can start.

Contact Form
To register an assignment and let the Internship Office share a vacancy please fill out the Assignment registration form for intern AE TUD and send the filled out form as PDF to Internship-AE@tudelft.nl. The Internship Coordinator will check if the assignment meets all the requirements, and will then share the vacancy on the internship Brightspace page, where it is accessible for all full-time registered MSc students.

Internship Agreement/NDA
Both two-party agreements (between company and student) and three-party agreements (between company, student, and university) can be used for internships. The Internship Coordinator can sign internship agreements and NDA’s from the faculty’s side. Please note that for internships at Dutch companies starting from the 1st of January 2023, the UNL contract for internships has to be used. There is a Dutch version and an English version available. For internships at international companies using the UNL contract is also strongly preferred. If this is not possible, the faculty templates for the work placement agreement and NDA can still be used. If it is not possible for the company to use these agreements, a two-party or three-party agreement of the company can also be used, provided that it meets certain requirements. These agreements/NDA’s will therefore be checked by the Education Contracts Office and the Internship Office. Guidelines were drawn up in which the conditions in contracts/NDA’s are further elaborated upon. For questions about legal procedures, please contact the Education Contracts Office via educationcontracts-ae@tudelft.nl. Information above pertains to internships only; please note that for an external MSc thesis other conditions apply. Please refer to the Master Thesis Aerospace Engineering Brightspace page for more information.